Book of 1 Kings
Kings⁺ , part 1
and·the·king Intimate he·was·old
he·entered in·the·days⁺
and·they·cover⁺·him in·the·coverings⁺
and he·does·not·have·heat to·him :
and·they·say⁺ to·him his·servants⁺ they·seek⁺ to·my·lord the·king youth virgin
and·she·stood to·the·face⁺·of the·king
and·ꜝlet·her·be to·him caretaker
and·she·bedded in·your·bosom
and·he·had·heat to·my·lord the·king :
and·they·seek⁺ youth beautiful
in·all·of the·border·of Princepowr
and·they·find⁺ °Father-of-Stray the·Sereneïte
and·they·bring·in⁺ °her to·the·king :
and·the·youth beautiful unto very
and·she·is to·the·king caretaker and·she·assists·him
and·the·king he·did·not·know·her :
and·Lord-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Festiva bearing·himself·up saying I I·am·king
and·he·does to·him chariot and·shockcavalry⁺
and·fifty⁺ man runners⁺ to·his·face⁺ :
and he·did·not·pain·him his·father from·his·days⁺ saying
¿know·why thus you·did
and·also he good·of figure very
and·°him she·enchilded after⁺ Father-of-Shalom :
and·they·are⁺ his·speeches⁺
near Yᴡ-Fathered the·son·of Balsamed
and·near Father-of-Remainder the·priest
after⁺ Lord-Yʜᴡ :
and·Just the·priest and·Built-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Known and·Given the·prophet and·Hearing and·Tending
and·the·heroes⁺ that to·Intimate
they·were·not⁺ near Lord-Yʜᴡ :
and·he·offers Lord-Yʜᴡ sheep and·plowcattle and·empirecalf
near the·stone·of the·Cowering·Animal
that beside Eyewell·of Footer
and·he·calls °all·of his·brothers⁺ the·sons⁺·of the·king
and·to·all·of the·mortals⁺·of Gloryhand the·servants⁺·of the·king :
and·°Given the·prophet and·Built-Yʜᴡ and·°the·heroes⁺ and·°Shalomo his·brother he·did·not·call :
and·he·says Given to Daughter Seven the·mama·of Shalomo saying
¿not you·heard
as he·was·king Lord-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Festiva
and·our·lords⁺ Intimate he·did·not·know :
and·now ꜝwalk I·counsel·you ¡please! counsel
and·ꜝdeliver °your·soul
and·°the·soul·of your·son Shalomo :
ꜝwalk and·ꜝenter to the·king Intimate and·you·said to·him ¿not you my·lord the·king you·vowed·seven to·your·amah saying
as Shalomo your·son he·is·king after⁺·me
and·he he·settles upon my·throne
and·¿know·why he·was·king Lord-Yʜᴡ :
¡lo! you·are·still speaker there near the·king
and·I I·enter after⁺·you
and·I·filled °your·speeches⁺ :
and·she·enters Daughter Seven to the·king ➝the·chamber
and·the·king he·was·old very
and·Father-of-Stray the·Sereneïte
assistant °the·king :
and·she·downscalps Daughter Seven
and·she·prostrates·herself to·the·king
and·he·says the·king ¿what to·you :
and·she·says to·him my·lord you you·vowed·seven in·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·your·amah
as Shalomo your·son he·is·king after⁺·me
and·he he·settles upon my·throne :
and·now ¡lo! Lord-Yʜᴡ he·was·king
and·now my·lord the·king you·did·not·know :
and·he·offers bull and·empirecalf and·sheep to·multitude
and·he·calls to·all·of the·sons⁺·of the·king
and·to·Father-of-Remainder the·priest
and·to·Yᴡ-Fathered the·prince·of the·host
and·to·Shalomo your·servant he·did·not·call :
and·you my·lord the·king
the·eyes²·of all·of Princepowr upon·you
to·tell·forth to·them
¿who he·settles upon the·throne·of my·lord the·king after⁺·him :
and·he·was as·bedding my·lord the·king near his·fathers⁺
and·I·was I and·my·son Shalomo sinful⁺ :
and·¡lo! she·is·still speaker near the·king
and·Given the·prophet he·entered :
and·they·tell·forth⁺ to·the·king saying
¡lo! Given the·prophet
and·he·enters to·the·face⁺·of the·king
and·he·prostrates·himself to·the·king upon his·nostrils² ➝land :
and·he·says Given
my·lord the·king
you you·said
Lord-Yʜᴡ he·is·king after⁺·me
and·he he·settles upon my·throne :
as he·descended the·day and·he·offers bull and·empirecalf and·sheep to·multitude
and·he·calls to·all·of the·sons⁺·of the·king and·to·the·princes⁺·of the·host and·to·Father-of-Remainder the·priest
and·¡lo!·them eating⁺ and·drinkers⁺ to·his·face⁺
ꜝlet·him·live the·king Lord-Yʜᴡ :
and·to·me I your·servant and·to·Just the·priest and·to·Built-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Known and·to·Shalomo your·servant he·did·not·call :
if from·with my·lord the·king
he·had·been the·speech this
and you·did·not·let·know °your·servant
¿who he·settles upon the·throne·of my·lord the·king after⁺·him :
and·he·responds the·king Intimate and·he·says
ꜝcall⁺ to·me to·Daughter Seven
and·she·enters to·the·face⁺·of the·king
and·she·stands to·the·face⁺·of the·king :
and·he·vows·seven the·king and·he·says
living Yʜᴡʜ that he·ransomed °my·soul from·all·of rockiness :
as as·how I·vowed·seven to·you in·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr saying
as Shalomo your·son he·is·king after⁺·me
and·he he·settles upon my·throne unders⁺·me
as surely I·do the·day this :
and·she·downscalps Daughter Seven nostrils² land
and·she·prostrates·herself to·the·king
and·she·says ꜝlet·him·live my·lord the·king Intimate to·eternity :
and·he·says the·king Intimate ꜝcall⁺ to·me to·Just the·priest and·to·Given the·prophet
and·to·Built-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Known
and·they·enter⁺ to·the·face⁺·of the·king :
and·he·says the·king to·them ꜝtake⁺ near·you⁺ °the·servants⁺·of your⁺·lords⁺
and·you·carried⁺ °Shalomo my·son
upon the·ass that to·me
and·you·made·descend⁺ °him to Gusher :
and·he·anointed °him there Just the·priest and·Given the·prophet to·king upon Princepowr
and·you·hit⁺ in·the·shofair
and·you·said⁺ ꜝlet·him·live the·king Shalomo :
and·you·went·up⁺ after⁺·him and·he·entered and·he·settled upon my·throne
and·he he·is·king unders⁺·me
and·with·him I·commanded to·be foremost
upon Princepowr and·upon Gloryhand :
and·he·responds Built-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Known °the·king and·he·says truly
surely he·says Yʜᴡʜ
Powers⁺·of my·lord the·king :
as·how he·was Yʜᴡʜ near my·lord the·king
surely he·is near Shalomo
and·he·makes·great °his·throne
my·lord the·king Intimate :
and·he·descends Just the·priest and·Given the·prophet and·Built-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Known and·the·Cutter and·the·Courierïte
and·they·carry⁺ °Shalomo
upon the·ass·of the·king Intimate
and·they·cause·to·walk⁺ °him upon Gusher :
and·he·takes Just the·priest °the·horn·of the·oil from the·tent
and·he·anoints °Shalomo
and·they·hit⁺ in·the·shofair
and·they·say⁺ all·of the·people
ꜝlet·him·live the·king Shalomo :
and·they·go·up⁺ all·of the·people after⁺·him
and·the·people pierce-piping⁺ in·piercepipes⁺
and·glad⁺ gladness great
and·she·is·cleaved the·land in·their·voice :
and·he·hears Lord-Yʜᴡ and·all·of that·are·called⁺ that with·him
and·they⁺ they·were·all·done⁺ to·eat
and·he·hears Yᴡ-Fathered °the·voice·of the·shofair
and·he·says ¿know·why the·voice·of the·walledcity humming :
he·is·still speaker
and·¡lo! Yᴡ-Given the·son·of Father-of-Remainder the·priest he·entered
and·he·says Lord-Yʜᴡ ꜝenter
as man·of strength you and·good you·flesh·out :
and·he·responds Yᴡ-Given
and·he·says to·Lord-Yʜᴡ
¡ah,·no! our·lords⁺ the·king Intimate he·kinged °Shalomo :
and·he·sends with·him the·king °Just the·priest and·°Given the·prophet and·Built-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Known
and·the·Cutter and·the·Courierïte
and·they·carry⁺ °him
upon the·ass·of the·king :
and·they·anoint⁺ °him Just the·priest and·Given the·prophet to·king in·Gusher and·they·go·up⁺ from·there glad⁺
and·she·rumbles the·walledcity
he the·voice that you·heard⁺ :
and·also he·settled Shalomo
upon the·throne·of the·kingship :
and·also they·entered⁺ the·servants⁺·of the·king to·kneel °our·lords⁺ the·king Intimate saying
ꜝlet·him·do·good Powers⁺ °the·name·of Shalomo from·your·name
and·he·makes·great °his·throne from·your·throne
and·he·prostrates·himself the·king upon the·bed :
and·also thus he·said the·king
knelt·to Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr that he·gave the·day settling upon my·throne and·my·eyes² seeing⁺ :
and·they·shudder⁺ and·they·arise⁺
all·of that·are·called⁺
that to·Lord-Yʜᴡ
and·they·walk⁺ man to·his·step :
he·feared from·the·face⁺·of Shalomo
and·he·arises and·he·walks
and·he·grasps·firmly in·the·horns⁺·of the·offering·place :
and·he·is·told·forth to·Shalomo saying
¡lo! Lord-Yʜᴡ
he·feared °the·king Shalomo
and·¡lo! he·held in·the·horns⁺·of the·offering·place saying
he·vows·seven to·me as·the·day the·king Shalomo
if he·puts·to·death °his·servant in·the·sword :
and·he·says Shalomo
if he·is to·son·of strength
he·does·not·fall from·his·hair ➝land
and·if badness she·is·found in·him and·he·died :
and·he·sends the·king Shalomo and·they·make·him·descend⁺ from·upon the·offering·place
and·he·enters and·he·prostrates·himself to·the·king Shalomo
and·he·says to·him Shalomo ꜝwalk to·your·house :
and·they·are·present⁺ the·days⁺·of Intimate to·die
and·he·commands °Shalomo his·son saying :
I walking
in·the·step·of all·of the·land
and·you·were·firm and·you·were to·man :
and·you·watched °the·watch·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·walk in·his·steps⁺ to·watch his·prescriptions⁺ his·commandments⁺ and·his·judgments⁺ and·his·witnesses⁺
as·that·is·written in·the·torah·of Moseh
because·of ꜝmake·prudent °all that you·do
and·°all that you·face there :
because·of ꜝlet·him·raise Yʜᴡʜ °his·speech that he·spoke upon·me saying
if they·watch⁺ your·sons⁺ °their·step to·walk to·my·face⁺ in·truth
in·all·of their·heart and·in·all·of their·soul
saying he·is·not·cut·down to·you man
from·upon the·throne·of Princepowr :
and·also you you·knew °that he·did to·me Yᴡ-Fathered the·son·of Balsamed that he·did to·the·two²·of the·princes⁺·of the·hosts⁺·of Princepowr to·Father-Lamp the·son·of Lamp and·to·Loadd the·son·of Remainder and·he·kills·them
and·he·places bloods⁺·of battle in·shalom
and·he·gives bloods⁺·of battle in·his·girdle that in·his·thighs²
and·in·his·shoelatchet that in·his·feet² :
and·you·did as·your·wisdom
and ꜝdo·not·make·descend his·gray·head in·shalom sheol :
and·to·the·sons⁺·of Iron the·Roll-of-Witnessïte you·do mercy
and·they·were⁺ in·the·eating⁺·of your·table
as surely they·were·present⁺ to·me
when·I·bolt from·the·face⁺·of Father-of-Shalom your·brother :
and·¡lo! near·you Hearing the·son·of Chaw Son·of the·Rightïte from·Choice·Youth
and·he he·slighted·me slight insolent
in·the·day·of my·walking Camps²
and·he he·descended to·call·on·me the·Descender
and·I·vow·seven to·him in·Yʜᴡʜ saying
if I·put·you·to·death in·the·sword :
and·now ꜝdo·not·find·him·innocent
as man wise you
and·you·knew °that you·do to·him
and·you·made·descend °his·gray·head in·blood sheol :
and·he·beds Intimate near his·fathers⁺
and·he·is·entombed in·the·city·of Intimate :
and·the·days⁺ that he·was·king Intimate upon Princepowr
forty⁺ year
in·Alliance he·was·king seven years⁺
and·in·Torahshalom he·was·king
thirty⁺ and·three years⁺ :
and·Shalomo he·settled upon the·throne·of Intimate his·father
and·she·is·assured his·kingship very :
and·he·enters Lord-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Festiva to Daughter Seven the·mama·of Shalomo
and·she·says ¿shalom your·entering
and·he·says shalom :
and·he·says speech to·me to·you
and·she·says ꜝspeak :
and·he·says you you·knew as to·me she·was the·kingship
and·upon·me they·placed⁺ all·of Princepowr their·face⁺ to·be·king
and·she·turns·around the·kingship and·she·is to·my·brother
as from·Yʜᴡʜ she·was to·him :
and·now request one I requesting from·with·you
you·do·not·return °my·face⁺
and·she·says to·him ꜝspeak :
and·he·says ꜝsay ¡please! to·Shalomo the·king
as he·does·not·return °your·face⁺
and·he·gives to·me °Father-of-Stray the·Sereneïte to·woman :
and·she·says Daughter Seven good
I I·speak upon·you to the·king :
and·she·enters Daughter Seven to the·king Shalomo
to·speak to·him upon Lord-Yʜᴡ
and·he·arises the·king to·call·on·her and·he·prostrates·himself to·her and·he·settles upon his·throne
and·he·places throne to·the·mama·of the·king
and·she·settles to·his·right :
and·she·says request one·of small I requesting from·with·you
ꜝdo·not·return °my·face⁺
and·he·says to·her the·king ꜝrequest my·mama
as I·do·not·return °your·face⁺ :
and·she·says he·is·given °Father-of-Stray the·Sereneïte
to·Lord-Yʜᴡ your·brother to·woman :
and·he·responds the·king Shalomo and·he·says to·his·mama and·to·¿what you requesting °Father-of-Stray the·Sereneïte to·Lord-Yʜᴡ
and·ꜝrequest to·him °the·kingship
as he my·brother the·great from·me
and·to·him and·to·Father-of-Remainder the·priest
and·to·Yᴡ-Fathered the·son·of Balsamed :
and·he·vows·seven the·king Shalomo
in·Yʜᴡʜ saying
thus he·does to·me Powers⁺ and·thus he·adds
as in·his·soul
he·spoke Lord-Yʜᴡ
°the·speech this :
and·now living Yʜᴡʜ that he·made·me·sure and·he·settles·me upon the·throne·of Intimate my·father
and·that he·did to·me house as·how he·spoke
as the·day
he·is·put·to·death Lord-Yʜᴡ :
and·he·sends the·king Shalomo
in·the·hand·of Built-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Known
and·he·pegs in·him and·he·dies :
and·to·Father-of-Remainder the·priest he·said the·king Responses ꜝwalk upon your·fields⁺
as man·of death you
and·in·the·day this I·do·not·put·you·to·death as you·bore °the·ark·of My·Lord Yʜᴡʜ to·the·face⁺·of Intimate my·father
and·as you·humiliated·yourself
in·all that he·humiliated·himself my·father :
and·he·drives·off Shalomo °Father-of-Remainder
from·being priest to·Yʜᴡʜ
to·fill °the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ
that he·spoke upon the·house·of Upward in·Relaxation :
and·the·hearing she·entered unto Yᴡ-Fathered
as Yᴡ-Fathered he·branched·out after⁺ Lord-Yʜᴡ
and·after⁺ Father-of-Shalom he·did·not·branch·out
and·he·flees Yᴡ-Fathered to the·tent·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·grasps·firmly in·the·horns⁺·of the·offering·place :
and·he·is·told·forth to·the·king Shalomo as he·fled Yᴡ-Fathered to the·tent·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·¡lo! beside the·offering·place
and·he·sends Shalomo °Built-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Known saying ꜝwalk ꜝpeg in·him :
and·he·enters Built-Yʜᴡ to the·tent·of Yʜᴡʜ and·he·says to·him thus he·said the·king ꜝgo
and·he·says not as ẖere I·die
and·he·returns Built-Yʜᴡ °the·king speech saying
thus he·spoke Yᴡ-Fathered and·thus he·responded·me :
and·he·says to·him the·king ꜝdo as·how he·spoke
and·ꜝpeg in·him and·you·entombed·him
and·you·removed bloods⁺·of gratuitously that he·spilled Yᴡ-Fathered
from·upon·me and·from·upon the·house·of my·father :
and·he·returned Yʜᴡʜ °his·blood upon his·head that he·pegged in·two²·of mortals⁺ just⁺ and·good⁺ from·him and·he·kills·them in·the·sword
and·my·father Intimate he·did·not·know
°Father-Lamp the·son·of Lamp the·prince·of the·host·of Princepowr
and·°Loadd the·son·of Remainder the·prince·of the·host·of Gloryhand :
and·they·returned⁺ their·bloods⁺ in·the·head·of Yᴡ-Fathered
and·in·the·head·of his·seed to·eternity
and·to·Intimate and·to·his·seed and·to·his·house and·to·his·throne he·is shalom unto eternity from·near Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·goes·up Built-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Known
and·he·pegs in·him and·he·puts·him·to·death
and·he·is·entombed in·his·house in·the·outspeak :
and·he·gives the·king °Built-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Known unders⁺·him upon the·host
and·°Just the·priest he·gave the·king
under Father-of-Remainder :
and·he·sends the·king and·he·calls to·Hearing
and·he·says to·him ꜝbuild to·you house in·Torahshalom
and·you·settled there
and you·do·not·go from·there ¿where and·¿where :
and·he·was in·day your·going and·you·crossed·over °the·river·of Gloominess
knowing you·know as dying you·die
your·blood he·is in·your·head :
and·he·says Hearing to·the·king good the·speech
as·how he·spoke my·lord the·king
surely he·does your·servant
and·he·settles Hearing in·Torahshalom days⁺ many⁺ :
and·he·is from·end·of three years⁺
and·they·bolt⁺ two²·of servants⁺ to·Hearing
to Akysh the·son·of Battering the·king·of Cellar
and·they·tell·forth⁺ to·Hearing saying
¡lo! your·servants⁺ in·Cellar :
and·he·arises Hearing and·he·wraps °his·donkey
and·he·walks ➝Cellar to Akysh
to·seek °his·servants⁺
and·he·walks Hearing
and·he·brings·in °his·servants⁺ from·Cellar :
and·he·is·told·forth to·Shalomo
as he·walked Hearing from·Torahshalom Cellar and·he·returns :
and·he·sends the·king and·he·calls to·Hearing and·he·says to·him ¿not I·told·you·seven in·Yʜᴡʜ and·I·witness in·you saying
in·the·day·of your·going and·you·walked ¿where and·¿where
knowing you·know as dying you·die
and·you·say to·me good the·speech I·heard :
and·¿know·why you·did·not·watch
°the·seven·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·°the·commandment that I·commanded upon·you :
and·he·says the·king to Hearing you you·knew °all·of the·badness that he·knew your·heart
that you·did to·Intimate my·father
and·he·returned Yʜᴡʜ °your·badness in·your·head :
and·the·king Shalomo knelt·to
and·the·throne·of Intimate he·is assured to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ unto eternity :
and·he·commands the·king °Built-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Known
and·he·goes and·he·pegs in·him and·he·dies
and·the·kingdom she·was·assured in·the·hand·of Shalomo :
and·he·intermarries Shalomo
with Pharaoh the·king·of Egypts²
and·he·takes °the·daughter·of Pharaoh and·he·brings·her·in to the·city·of Intimate
unto his·all·done to·build °his·house and·°the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·°the·rampart·of Torahshalom turninground :
only the·people
offering⁺ in·the·daises⁺
as he·was·not·built house to·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ
unto the·days⁺ they⁺ :
and·he·loves Shalomo °Yʜᴡʜ
to·walk in·the·prescriptions⁺·of Intimate his·father
only in·the·daises⁺
he offering and·incendiating :
and·he·walks the·king ➝Hillside to·offer there
as she the·dais the·great
thousand·of upward·offerings⁺ he·offers·up Shalomo
upon the·offering·place he :
in·Hillside he·was·seen Yʜᴡʜ to Shalomo in·dream the·night
and·he·says Powers⁺
ꜝrequest ¿what I·give to·you :
and·he·says Shalomo you you·did near your·servant Intimate my·father mercy great
as·how he·walked to·your·face⁺ in·truth and·in·justice and·in·straightness·of heart near·you
and·you·watch to·him °the·mercy the·great this
and·you·give to·him son settling upon his·throne as·the·day this :
and·now Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺
you you·kinged °your·servant
under Intimate my·father
and·I youth small
I·do·not·know going and·entering :
in·the·midst·of your·people that you·chose
people much that he·is·not·allotted and he·is·not·counted from·multitude :
and·you·gave to·your·servant heart hearing to·judge °your·people
to·give·discernment between good to·bad
as ¿who he·is·able to·judge
°your·people the·weighty this :
and·he·is·good the·speech in·the·eyes²·of My·Lord
as he·requested Shalomo
°the·speech this :
and·he·says Powers⁺ to·him because that you·requested °the·speech this and you·did·not·request to·you days⁺ many⁺ and you·did·not·request to·you riches
and you·did·not·request the·soul·of your·enemies⁺
and·you·requested to·you giving·discernment to·hear judgment :
¡lo! I·did as·your·speeches⁺
¡lo! I·gave to·you heart wise and·discerner
that as·you he·was·not to·your·face⁺
and·after⁺·you he·does·not·arise as·you :
and·also that you·did·not·request I·gave to·you
also riches also weight
that he·was·not as·you man in·the·kings⁺ all·of your·days⁺ :
and·if you·walk in·my·steps⁺ to·watch my·prescriptions⁺ and·my·commandments⁺
as·how he·walked Intimate your·father
and·I·prolonged °your·days⁺ :
and·he·wakes Shalomo and·¡lo! dream
and·he·enters Torahshalom and·he·stands to·the·face⁺·of the·ark·of the·covenant·of My·Lord and·he·offers·up upward·offerings⁺ and·he·does shaloms⁺
and·he·does drinkingfeast to·all·of his·servants⁺ :
then they·enter⁺ two² women⁺ fornicators⁺ to the·king
and·they·stand⁺ to·his·face⁺ :
and·she·says the·woman one ¡o! my·lord
I and·the·woman this
settling⁺ in·house one
and·I·enchild near·her in·the·house :
and·he·is in·the·day the·third to·enchild·me
and·she·enchilds also the·woman this
and·we⁺ united there·is·ńot stranger with·us in·the·house
beyond two² we⁺ in·the·house :
and·he·dies the·son·of the·woman this night
that she·bedded upon·him :
and·she·arises in·the·midst·of the·night and·she·takes °my·son from·beside·me and·your·amah asleep
and·she·puts·him·to·bed in·her·bosom
and·°her·son the·dead she·put·to·bed in·my·bosom :
and·I·arise in·the·dayplow to·suckle °my·son and·¡lo! he·died
and·I·discern to·him in·the·dayplow
and·¡lo! he·was·not my·son that I·enchilded :
and·she·says the·woman the·after not as my·son the·living and·your·son the·dead
and·this saying not as
your·son the·dead and·my·son the·living
and·they·speak⁺ to·the·face⁺·of the·king :
and·he·says the·king
this saying
this my·son the·living and·your·son the·dead
and·this saying not as
your·son the·dead and·my·son the·living :
and·he·says the·king ꜝtake⁺ to·me sword
and·they·bring·in⁺ the·sword to·the·face⁺·of the·king :
and·he·says the·king
ꜝsection⁺ °the·child the·living to·two²
and·ꜝgive⁺ °the·half to·one
and·°the·half to·one :
and·she·says the·woman that her·son the·living to the·king as they·were·connected⁺ her·wombliness⁺ upon her·son
and·she·says ¡o! my·lord ꜝgive⁺ to·her °that·is·child the·living
and·putting·to·death you·do·not·put·him·to·death⁺
and·this saying also to·me also to·you he·is·not ꜝsection⁺ :
and·he·responds the·king and·he·says ꜝgive⁺ to·her °that·is·child the·living
and·putting·to·death you·do·not·put·him·to·death⁺
she his·mama :
and·they·hear⁺ all·of Princepowr °the·judgment that he·judged the·king
and·they·fear⁺ from·the·face⁺·of the·king
as they·saw⁺
as the·wisdom·of Powers⁺ in·his·impresence to·do judgment :
and·he·is the·king Shalomo
king upon all·of Princepowr :
and·these the·princes⁺ that to·him
Help-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Just the·priest :
Powr-of-Detraction and·Brother-of-Yʜᴡ the·sons⁺·of Linen accounters⁺
Yʜᴡ-Judge the·son·of Brother-of-Child that·commemorates :
and·Built-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Known upon the·host
and·Just and·Father-of-Remainder priests⁺ :
and·Help-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Given upon that·are·posted⁺
and·Award the·son·of Given priest the·tendent·of the·king :
and·Brother-of-Song upon the·house
and·Lord-Heightens the·son·of Service upon the·levy :
and·to·Shalomo two² and·ten posted⁺ upon all·of Princepowr
and·they·sustained⁺ °the·king and·°his·house
new·moon in·the·year he·is upon one to·sustain :
and·these their·names⁺
the·son·of Brilliant in·the·mount·of Fruits² :
the·son·of Stab in·Endplace and·in·Foxbys⁺ and·House·of Sun
and·Powrtree·of House·of Grace :
the·son·of Mercy in·the·Oculi⁺
to·him Knitted and·all·of the·land·of Digging :
the·son·of Father-Noble all·of the·altitude·of Saeculo
Distilling the·daughter·of Shalomo
she·was to·him to·woman :
In-Humiliation the·son·of Brother-of-Child
Taanak and·Clout-Place
and·all·of House·of Placidity that beside ➝Tzaretan from·under to·Powr-Seeds from·House·of Placidity unto Meadow Whirldance
unto from·region·across to·Rising-People :
the·son·of Hero in·Heights⁺·of Roll-of-Witness
to·him the·lifeplaces⁺·of Enlightener the·son·of Frustration that in·the·Roll-of-Witness to·him the·rope·of Pebbled that in·the·Bashan
sixty⁺ cities⁺ great⁺
rampart and·bolt·of copper :
Brother-Noble the·son·of Decorater ➝Camps² :
Brother-of-Shell in·Knot
also he he·took °Spice the·daughter·of Shalomo to·woman :
In-Humiliation the·son·of Hurried
in·Blessed and·Mistresses :
Yʜᴡ-Judge the·son·of Budded in·He-Is-Hire :
Hearing the·son·of Powrtree in·Son-of-Right :
Hero the·son·of Light in·the·land·of Roll-of-Witness
the·land·of Rubbler the·king·of the·Amurruïte and·Loaf the·king·of the·Bashan
and·post one that in·the·land :
Gloryhand and·Princepowr many⁺
as·the·sand that upon the·sea to·multitude
eating⁺ and·drinkers⁺ and·glad⁺ :
and·Shalomo he·was ruler in·all·of the·kingdoms⁺
from the·Stream the·land·of Palestinians⁺
and·unto the·border·of Egypts²
bringing·to·approach⁺ tribute and·servants⁺ °Shalomo all·of the·days⁺·of his·life⁺ :
and·he·is the·bread·of Shalomo to·day one
thirty⁺ cauldron·of flour
and·sixty⁺ cauldron·of meal :
ten plowcattle shapely⁺ and·twenty⁺ plowcattle tending and·hundred sheep
alone from·powrdeer and·prettygazelle and·donkey
and·cleanbirds⁺ mangered⁺ :
as he governing in·all·of the·region·across the·Stream from·She-Hobbles and·unto Mighty
in·all·of the·kings⁺·of the·region·across the·Stream
and·shalom he·was to·him from·all·of his·regions·across⁺ from·turninground :
and·he·settles Gloryhand and·Princepowr to·trust man under his·vine and·under his·fig
from·Vindicator and·unto Well·of Seven
all·of the·days⁺·of Shalomo :
and·he·is to·Shalomo forty⁺ thousand lioneers⁺·of horses⁺ to·his·chariot
and·two² and·ten thousand shockcavalry⁺ :
and·they·sustained⁺ that·are·posted⁺ these °the·king Shalomo and·°all·of the·presenting·himself to the·table·of the·king Shalomo man his·new·moon
they·do·not·deflock⁺ speech :
and·the·hairbarley⁺ and·the·straw
to·the·horses⁺ and·to·the·fortunehorse
they·bring·in⁺ to the·rising·place that he·is there
man as·his·judgment :
and·he·gives Powers⁺ wisdom to·Shalomo and·discernment multiplying very
and·breadth·of heart
as·the·sand that upon the·lip·of the·sea :
and·she·multiplies the·wisdom·of Shalomo
from·wisdom·of all·of sons⁺·of frontmost
and·from·all·of the·wisdom·of Egypts² :
and·he·is·wise from·all·of the·adam
from·Rugged the·Dawnïte and·Truth and·Sustenance and·Liberty-of-Knowledge the·sons⁺·of Whirl
and·he·is his·name in·all·of the·clans⁺ turninground :
and·he·speaks three·of thousands⁺ simile
and·he·is his·song five and·thousand :
and·he·speaks upon the·trees⁺
from the·cedar that in·the·Whitemost
and·unto the·hyssop
that going in·the·wall
and·he·speaks upon the·beast and·upon the·flyer
and·upon the·creeper and·upon the·fish⁺ :
and·they·enter⁺ from·all·of the·people⁺
to·hear °the·wisdom·of Shalomo
from·with all·of the·kings⁺·of the·land
that they·heard⁺ °his·wisdom :
and·he·sends Their-Brilliance the·king·of Rock °his·servants⁺ to Shalomo
as he·heard
as °him they·anointed⁺ to·king under his·father
as loving he·was Their-Brilliance to·Intimate all·of the·days⁺ :
and·he·sends Shalomo
to Their-Brilliance saying :
you you·knew °Intimate my·father as he·was·not·able to·build house to·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺
from·the·face⁺·of the·battle that they·turned·around⁺·him
unto giving Yʜᴡʜ °them
under the·spoons⁺·of my·feet² :
and·now he·set·in·peace Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺ to·me from·turninground
there·is·ńot accuser
and·there·is·ńot pegging bad :
and·¡lo!·me saying
to·build house
to·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺
as·how he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ to Intimate my·father saying
your·son that I·give unders⁺·you upon your·throne
he he·builds the·house to·my·name :
and·now ꜝcommand and·they·cut·down⁺ to·me cedars⁺ from the·Whitemost and·my·servants⁺ they·are⁺ near your·servants⁺
and·the·hire·of your·servants⁺ I·give to·you
as·all that you·say
as you you·knew as there·is·ńot in·us man knowing to·cut·down trees⁺ as·the·Hunterïtes⁺ :
and·he·is as·hearing Their-Brilliance °the·speeches⁺·of Shalomo and·he·is·glad very
and·he·says knelt·to Yʜᴡʜ the·day
that he·gave to·Intimate son wise
upon the·people the·much this :
and·he·sends Their-Brilliance to Shalomo saying
I·heard °that you·sent to·me
I I·do °all·of your·pleasure
in·trees⁺·of cedars⁺ and·in·trees⁺·of firs⁺ :
my·servants⁺ they·make·descend⁺ from the·Whitemost ➝sea and·I I·place·them speakings⁺ in·the·sea unto the·rising·place that you·send to·me and·I·shattered·them there and·you you·bear
and·you you·do °my·pleasure
to·give the·bread·of my·house :
and·he·is Their-Brilliance giving to·Shalomo trees⁺·of cedars⁺ and·trees⁺·of firs⁺ all·of his·pleasure :
and·Shalomo he·gave to·Their-Brilliance twenty⁺ thousand cauldron·of wheat⁺ to·be·eaten to·his·house
and·twenty⁺ cauldron·of oil finely·beaten
thus he·gives Shalomo to·Their-Brilliance year in·year :
and·Yʜᴡʜ he·gave wisdom to·Shalomo
as·how he·spoke to·him
and·he·is shalom between Their-Brilliance and·between Shalomo
and·they·cut·in⁺ covenant the·two²·of·them :
and·he·offers·up the·king Shalomo levy from·all·of Princepowr
and·he·is the·levy
thirty⁺ thousand man :
and·he·sends·them ➝Whitemost ten·of thousands⁺ in·the·new·moon changes⁺
new·moon they·are⁺ in·the·Whitemost
two² new·moons⁺ in·his·house
and·Lord-Heightens upon the·levy :
and·he·is to·Shalomo seventy⁺ thousand bearer hefter
and·eighty⁺ thousand quarrier in·the·mount :
alone from·the·princes⁺·of that·are·posted⁺ to·Shalomo that upon the·ministry
three·of thousands⁺ and·three·of hundred⁺
that·govern⁺ in·the·people
that·do⁺ in·the·ministry :
and·he·commands the·king and·they·cause·to·journey⁺ stones⁺ great⁺ stones⁺ precious⁺ to·set·the·foundation·of the·house stones⁺·of masonry :
and·they·sculpt⁺ the·building⁺·of Shalomo and·the·building⁺·of Their-Brilliance and·the·Borderïtes⁺
and·they·make·sure⁺ the·trees⁺ and·the·stones⁺ to·build the·house :
and·he·is in·eighty⁺ year and·four hundred⁺ year to·go the·sons⁺·of Princepowr from·the·land·of Egypts² in·the·year the·fourth in·the·new·moon·of Mayglow he the·new·moon the·second
to·be·king Shalomo upon Princepowr
and·he·builds the·house to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·the·house that he·built the·king Shalomo to·Yʜᴡʜ
sixty⁺ mamacubit his·length and·twenty⁺ his·breadth
and·thirty⁺ mamacubit his·rising :
and·the·powrhouse upon the·face⁺·of the·palace·of the·house
twenty⁺ mamacubit his·length
upon the·face⁺·of the·breadth·of the·house
ten in·the·mamacubit his·breadth upon the·face⁺·of the·house :
and·he·does to·the·house
window-piercings⁺·of peering·transoms⁺ shuttered⁺ :
and·he·builds upon the·wall·of the·house cotroom turninground
°the·walls⁺·of the·house turninground
to·the·palace and·to·the·speakingplace
and·he·does ribs⁺ turninground :
the·cotroom the·undermost five in·the·mamacubit her·breadth and·the·middle six in·the·mamacubit her·breadth
seven in·the·mamacubit her·breadth
as miniature·places⁺ he·gave to·the·house turninground ➝exterior
to·not holding in·the·walls⁺·of the·house :
and·the·house when·he·is·built
stone shalomic journey he·was·built
and·puncthammers⁺ and·the·axe all·of thing·of iron
he·was·not·heard in·the·house when·he·is·built :
the·opening·of the·rib the·middle
to the·shoulder·of the·house the·right
and·in·loopingstairs⁺ they·go·up⁺ upon the·middle
and·from the·middle to the·third⁺ :
and·he·builds °the·house and·he·is·all·done·him
and·he·panels °the·house cisterns⁺
and·awnings⁺ in·the·cedars⁺ :
and·he·builds °the·cotroom upon all·of the·house
five mamacubits⁺ his·rising
and·he·holds °the·house in·trees⁺·of cedars⁺ :
and·he·is the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ
to Shalomo saying :
the·house this that you building if you·walk in·my·prescriptions⁺ and·°my·judgments⁺ you·do
and·you·watched °all·of my·commandments⁺ to·walk in·them
and·I·raised °my·speech with·you
that I·spoke to Intimate your·father :
in·the·midst·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and I·do·not·abandon °my·people Princepowr :
and·he·builds Shalomo °the·house and·he·is·all·done·him :
and·he·builds °the·walls⁺·of the·house from➝house in·ribs⁺·of cedars⁺
from·the·floor·of the·house unto the·walls⁺·of the·paneling
he·topped tree from·house
and·he·tops °the·floor·of the·house in·ribs⁺·of firs⁺ :
and·he·builds °twenty⁺ mamacubit from·the·flanks²·of the·house in·ribs⁺·of cedars⁺
from the·floor unto the·walls⁺
and·he·builds to·him from·house to·speakingplace
to·Sanctuary·of the·Sanctuaries⁺ :
and·forty⁺ in·the·mamacubit he·was the·house
he the·palace to·my·face⁺ :
and·cedar to the·house faceward
carvesling·of squashes⁺
and·outspurts⁺·of flowers⁺
all cedar
there·is·ńot stone he·was·seen :
and·speakingplace in·the·midst·of the·house from·faceward he·made·sure
to·give there
°the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·to·the·face⁺·of the·speakingplace twenty⁺ mamacubit length and·twenty⁺ mamacubit breadth and·twenty⁺ mamacubit his·rising
and·he·tops·him gold locked
and·he·tops offering·place cedar :
and·he·tops Shalomo °the·house from·faceward gold locked
and·he·criss-crosses in·linkages⁺·of gold to·the·face⁺·of the·speakingplace
and·he·tops·him gold :
and·°all·of the·house he·topped gold unto completed all·of the·house
and·all·of the·offering·place that to·the·speakingplace he·topped gold :
and·he·does in·the·speakingplace
two²·of cherubs⁺ trees⁺·of oil
ten·of mamacubits⁺ his·rising :
and·five mamacubits⁺ the·wing·of the·cherub one
and·five mamacubits⁺
the·wing·of the·cherub the·second
ten·of mamacubits⁺
from·the·ends⁺·of his·wings² and·unto the·ends⁺·of his·wings² :
and·ten in·the·mamacubit
the·cherub the·second
measure one·of and·size one to·the·two²·of the·cherubs⁺ :
the·rising·of the·cherub one
ten in·the·mamacubit
and·surely the·cherub the·second :
and·he·gives °the·cherubs⁺ in·the·midst·of the·house the·inface and·they·stretch⁺ °the·wings²·of the·cherubs⁺
and·she·touches the·wing·of one in·the·wall
and·the·wing·of the·cherub the·second
touching in·the·wall the·second
and·their·wings² to the·midst·of the·house
touching⁺ wing to wing :
and·he·tops °the·cherubs⁺ gold :
and·°all·of the·walls⁺·of the·house turning·around he·slung·out openworks⁺·of carveslings⁺·of cherubs⁺ and·palms⁺
and·outspurts⁺·of flowers⁺
from·to·face⁺ and·to·the·exterior :
and·°the·floor·of the·house he·topped gold
to·faceward and·to·the·exterior :
and·°the·opening·of the·speakingplace
he·did pulldoors⁺·of trees⁺·of oil
the·powrpillar doorposts⁺·of fifth :
and·two²·of pulldoors⁺·of trees⁺·of oil
and·he·slung·out upon·them carveslings⁺·of cherubs⁺ and·palms⁺ and·outspurts⁺·of flowers⁺ and·he·topped gold
and·he·expands upon the·cherubs⁺ and·upon the·palms⁺ °the·gold :
and·surely he·did to·the·opening·of the·palace doorposts⁺·of trees⁺·of oil
from·with fourth :
and·two²·of pulldoors⁺·of trees⁺·of firs⁺
two²·of ribs⁺ the·pulldoor one rolls⁺
and·two²·of slingcurtains⁺ the·pulldoor the·second rolls⁺ :
and·he·slung·out cherubs⁺ and·palms⁺
and·outspurts⁺·of flowers⁺
and·he·topped gold
straightened upon that·is·inscribed :
and·he·builds °the·courtyard the·inface
three columns⁺·of masonry
and·column·of cuts⁺·of cedars⁺ :
in·the·year the·fourth
he·was·founded the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
in·the·month·of Mayglow :
and·in·the·year one and·ten in·the·month·of Fruitcourse·November he the·new·moon the·eighth
he·was·all·through the·house
to·all·of his·speeches⁺ and·to·all·of his·judgments⁺
and·he·builds·him seven years⁺ :
and·°his·house he·built Shalomo
three·of and·ten year
and·he·is·all·done °all·of his·house :
and·he·builds °the·house·of the·forest·of the·Whitemost hundred mamacubit his·length and·fifty⁺ mamacubit his·breadth
and·thirty⁺ mamacubit his·rising
upon four columns⁺·of standing·pillars⁺·of cedars⁺
and·cuts⁺·of cedars⁺ upon the·standing·pillars⁺ :
and·panelled in·the·cedar from·upward upon the·ribs⁺ that upon the·standing·pillars⁺
forty⁺ and·five
five and·ten the·column :
and·peering·transoms⁺ three columns⁺
and·visionwindow to visionwindow three times⁺ :
and·all·of the·openings⁺ and·the·doorposts⁺ foursquared⁺ peerlintel
and·snip·of visionwindow to visionwindow three times⁺ :
and·°the·powrhouse·of the·standing·pillars⁺ he·did
fifty⁺ mamacubit his·length
and·thirty⁺ mamacubit his·breadth
and·powrhouse upon their·face⁺
and·standing·pillars⁺ and·fogwall upon their·face⁺ :
and·the·powrhouse·of the·throne that he·judges there
the·powrhouse·of the·judgment he·did
and·panelled in·the·cedar
from·the·floor unto the·floor :
and·his·house that he·settles there courtyard the·after from·the·house to·the·powrhouse
as·the·doing this he·was
and·house he·does to·the·daughter·of Pharaoh that he·took Shalomo
as·the·powrhouse this :
all these stones⁺ precious⁺ as·measures⁺·of masonry
chewed·apart⁺ in·the·jawcutter from·house and·from·exterior
and·from·foundation unto the·spans⁺
and·from·exterior unto the·courtyard the·great :
and·founded stones⁺ precious⁺ stones⁺ great⁺
stones⁺·of ten mamacubits⁺
and·stones⁺·of eight mamacubits⁺ :
and·from·to➝upward stones⁺ precious⁺ as·measures⁺·of masonry and·cedar :
and·courtyard the·great turninground three columns⁺ masonry
and·column·of cuts⁺·of cedars⁺
and·to·the·courtyard·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ the·inface·of and·to·the·powrhouse·of the·house :
and·he·sends the·king Shalomo
and·he·takes °Their-Brilliance from·Rock :
son·of woman widow he from·the·branch·of Knot and·his·father man Rockïte crafting copper
and·he·is·filled °the·wisdom and·°the·discernment and·°the·knowledge
to·do all·of ministry in·the·copper
and·he·enters to the·king Shalomo
and·he·does °all·of his·ministry :
and·he·rocks °the·two²·of the·standing·pillars⁺ copper
eight and·ten mamacubit the·rising·of the·standing·pillar one
and·thread·of two² and·ten mamacubit
he·turns·around °the·standing·pillar the·second :
and·two²·of circlets⁺ he·did to·give upon the·heads⁺·of the·standing·pillars⁺ poured·of copper
five mamacubits⁺ the·rising·of the·circlet one
and·five mamacubits⁺
the·rising·of the·circlet the·second :
lattices⁺ doing·of lattice great·ropes⁺ doing·of rootchains⁺
that upon the·head·of the·standing·pillars⁺
seven to·the·circlet one
and·seven to·the·circlet the·second :
and·he·does °the·standing·pillars⁺
and·two²·of columns⁺ turninground upon the·lattice one to·cover °the·circlets⁺ that upon the·head·of the·pomegranates⁺
and·surely he·did
to·the·circlet the·second :
and·circlets⁺ that upon the·head·of the·standing·pillars⁺
doing·of lily in·the·powrhouse
four·of mamacubits⁺ :
and·circlets⁺ upon the·two²·of the·standing·pillars⁺
also from·upward from·to·near the·belly
that to·the·region·across the·lattice
and·the·pomegranates⁺ hundred² columns⁺ turninground
upon the·circlet the·second :
and·he·raises °the·standing·pillars⁺
to·the·powrhouse·of the·palace
and·he·raises °the·standing·pillar the·right and·he·calls °his·name He-Assures
and·he·raises °the·standing·pillar the·left
and·he·calls °his·name In-Might :
and·upon the·head·of the·standing·pillars⁺ doing·of lily
and·she·is·completed the·ministry·of the·standing·pillars⁺ :
and·he·does °the·sea poured
ten in·the·mamacubit from·his·lip unto his·lip wagonwheeled turninground and·five in·the·mamacubit his·rising
and·hopecord thirty⁺ in·the·mamacubit
he·turns·around °him turninground :
and·squashes⁺ from·under to·his·lip turninground turning·around⁺ °him
ten in·the·mamacubit
encompassing⁺ °the·sea turninground
two²·of columns⁺ the·squashes⁺
poured⁺ in·his·pouring :
standing upon two²·of and·ten plowcattle three facing⁺ ➝north and·three facing⁺ ➝sea and·three facing⁺ ➝negev and·three facing⁺ ➝dawn
and·the·sea upon·them from·to➝upward
and·all·of their·afts⁺ ➝house :
and·his·thickness span
and·his·lip as·doing·of lip·of cup bud·of lily
thousands² bushel he·contains :
and·he·does °the·sure·places⁺ ten copper
four in·the·mamacubit the·length·of the·sure·place one
and·four in·the·mamacubit her·breadth
and·three in·the·mamacubit her·rising :
and·this the·doing·of the·sure·place lockingborders⁺ to·them
and·lockingborders⁺ between the·seams⁺ :
and·upon the·lockingborders⁺ that between the·seams⁺ lions⁺ plowcattle and·cherubs⁺
and·upon the·seams⁺ surefoot from·upward
and·from·under to·lions⁺ and·to·the·plowcattle
wreaths⁺ doing·of descent :
and·four wheels⁺·of copper to·the·sure·place one and·axles⁺·of copper
and·four his·times⁺ shoulders⁺ to·them
from·under to·the·cauldron the·shoulders⁺ poured⁺
from·region·across man wreaths⁺ :
and·his·mouth from·the·house to·the·circlet and➝upward in·the·mamacubit
and·her·mouth wagonwheeled doing·of surefoot
mamacubit and·the·half·of the·mamacubit
and·also upon her·mouth carveslings⁺
and·their·lockingborders⁺ foursquared⁺ not wagonwheeled⁺ :
and·the·four·of the·wheels⁺ to·from·under to·the·lockingborders⁺
and·the·hands⁺·of the·wheels⁺ in·the·sure·place
and·the·rising·of the·wheel one
mamacubit and·the·half·of the·mamacubit :
and·the·doing·of the·wheels⁺
as·the·doing·of the·wheel·of the·chariot
their·hands⁺ and·their·brows⁺ and·their·charms⁺ and·their·chishurs⁺ all poured :
and·four·of shoulders⁺
to the·four·of the·corners⁺·of
the·sure·place one
from the·sure·place her·shoulders² :
and·in·the·head·of the·sure·place the·half·of the·mamacubit rising wagonwheeled turninground
and·upon the·head·of the·sure·place her·hands⁺
and·her·lockingborders⁺ from·her :
and·he·openworks upon the·slates⁺·of her·hands⁺
and·upon her·lockingborders⁺
cherubs⁺ lions⁺ and·palms⁺
as·bare·place·of man and·wreaths⁺ turninground :
as·this he·did
°the·ten·of the·sure·places⁺
poured one measure one·of size one to·all·of·them :
and·he·does ten cauldrons⁺ copper
forty⁺ bushel he·contains the·cauldron one four in·the·mamacubit the·cauldron one
cauldron one upon the·sure·place one
to·the·ten·of the·sure·places⁺ :
and·he·gives °the·sure·places⁺
five upon the·shoulder·of the·house from·right
and·five upon the·shoulder·of the·house from·his·left
and·°the·sea he·gave from·the·shoulder·of the·house the·right ➝frontward from·snip·of negev :
and·he·does Their-Brilliance
and·°the·shovels⁺ and·°the·aspersoria⁺
and·he·is·all·done Their-Brilliance to·do °all·of the·ministry
that he·did to·the·king Shalomo the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
standing·pillars⁺ two²
and·the·rollbasins⁺·of the·circlets⁺ that upon the·head·of the·standing·pillars⁺ two²
and·the·lattices⁺ two²
to·cover °the·two²·of the·rollbasins⁺·of the·circlets⁺
that upon the·head·of the·standing·pillars⁺ :
and·°the·pomegranates⁺ four hundred⁺ to·the·two²·of the·lattices⁺
two²·of columns⁺ pomegranates⁺ to·the·lattice one
to·cover °the·two²·of the·rollbasins⁺·of the·circlets⁺
that upon the·face⁺·of the·standing·pillars⁺ :
and·°the·sure·places⁺ ten
and·°the·cauldrons⁺ ten upon the·sure·places⁺ :
and·°the·sea one
and·°the·plowcattle two² and·ten under the·sea :
and·°the·pots⁺ and·°the·shovels⁺ and·°the·aspersoria⁺ and·°all·of the·things⁺ these
that he·did Their-Brilliance to·the·king Shalomo the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
copper buffed :
in·the·round·of the·Descender he·poured·them the·king
in·the·thick·place·of the·adamah
between Knitshelterses⁺ and·between Tzaretan :
and·he·sets·in·peace Shalomo °all·of the·things⁺
from·multitude very very
he·was·not·examined the·shekelness·of the·copper :
and·he·does Shalomo
°all·of the·things⁺
that the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
°the·offering·place·of the·gold
and·°the·table that upon·him the·bread·of the·face⁺ gold :
and·°the·lampstands⁺ five from·right and·five from·left to·the·face⁺·of the·speakingplace gold locked
and·the·bud and·the·lamps⁺ and·the·takertongs² gold :
and·the·transporters⁺ and·the·pruners⁺ and·the·aspersoria⁺ and·the·spoons⁺ and·the·firepans⁺ gold locked
and·the·equipment⁺ to·the·pulldoors⁺·of the·house the·inface to·Sanctuary·of the·Sanctuaries⁺ to·the·pulldoors²·of the·house to·the·palace gold :
and·she·has·shalom all·of the·ministry
that he·did the·king Shalomo the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·brings·in Shalomo °the·sanctuaries⁺·of Intimate his·father °the·silver and·°the·gold and·°the·things⁺
he·gave in·the·treasures⁺·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
then ꜝlet·him·congregate Shalomo °the·elders⁺·of Princepowr °all·of the·heads⁺·of the·branches⁺ the·wellborns⁺·of the·fathers⁺ to·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr to the·king Shalomo Torahshalom
to·offer·up °the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ from·the·city·of Intimate she Tzion :
and·they·congregate⁺ to the·king Shalomo all·of the·man·of Princepowr
in·the·month·of the·Rugged·October⁺ in·the·feast
he the·new·moon the·seventh :
and·they·enter⁺ all·of the·elders⁺·of Princepowr
and·they·bear⁺ the·priests⁺ °the·ark :
and·they·offer·up⁺ °the·ark·of Yʜᴡʜ and·°tent·of assembly
and·°all·of the·things⁺·of the·sanctuary that in·the·tent
and·they·offer·up⁺ °them
the·priests⁺ and·the·Debtorïtes⁺ :
and·the·king Shalomo and·all·of the·assembly·of Princepowr that·assemble·themselves⁺ upon·him
with·him to·the·face⁺·of the·ark
offering⁺ sheep and·plowcattle
that they·are·not·counted⁺ and they·are·not·allotted⁺ from·multitude :
and·they·bring·in⁺ the·priests⁺ °the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ to his·rising·place to the·speakingplace·of the·house to Sanctuary·of the·Sanctuaries⁺
to under the·wings²·of the·cherubs⁺ :
as the·cherubs⁺ stretching⁺ wings²
to the·rising·place·of the·ark
and·they·are·knit·together⁺ the·cherubs⁺ upon the·ark and·upon his·lonepoles⁺ from·to➝upward :
and·they·prolong⁺ the·lonepoles⁺
and·they·are·seen⁺ the·heads⁺·of the·lonepoles⁺ from the·Sanctuary upon the·face⁺·of the·speakingplace
and they·are·not·seen⁺ ➝the·exterior
and·they·are⁺ there
unto the·day this :
there·is·ńot in·the·ark
only the·two²·of the·slates⁺·of the·stones⁺
that he·set·in·peace there Moseh in·Withered
that he·cut·in Yʜᴡʜ near the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
when·they·go⁺ from·the·land·of Egypts² :
and·he·is when·going the·priests⁺ from the·Sanctuary
and·the·cloud he·filled °the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and they·were·not·able⁺ the·priests⁺ to·stand to·assist from·the·face⁺·of the·cloud
as he·filled the·weight·of Yʜᴡʜ °the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
then he·said Shalomo
Yʜᴡʜ he·said
to·dwell in·the·sprinkling·cloud :
building I·built house·of residence to·you
assured to·settle·you eternities⁺ :
and·he·turns the·king °his·face⁺
and·he·kneels °all·of the·congregation·of Princepowr
and·all·of the·congregation·of Princepowr standing :
and·he·says knelt·to Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
that he·spoke in·his·mouth
with Intimate my·father
and·in·his·hand he·filled saying :
from the·day that I·let·go °my·people °Princepowr from·Egypts²
I·did·not·choose in·city from·all·of the·stems⁺·of Princepowr
to·build house
to·be my·name there
and·I·choose in·Intimate
to·be upon my·people Princepowr :
and·he·is near the·heart·of Intimate my·father
to·build house
to·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to Intimate my·father
because that he·was near your·heart
to·build house to·my·name
as he·was near your·heart :
only you
you·do·not·build the·house
but rather your·son that·goes from·your·dresses²
he he·builds the·house to·my·name :
and·he·raises Yʜᴡʜ
°his·speech that he·spoke
and·I·arise under Intimate my·father and·I·settle upon the·throne·of Princepowr as·how he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ
and·I·build the·house
to·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr :
and·I·place there rising·place to·the·ark
that there the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ
that he·cut·in near our·fathers⁺
when·he·lets·go °them from·the·land·of Egypts² :
and·he·stands Shalomo to·the·face⁺·of the·offering·place·of Yʜᴡʜ
before all·of the·congregation·of Princepowr
and·he·stretches his·spoons² the·skies⁺ :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr there·is·ńot as·you Powers⁺
in·the·skies⁺ from·upward
and·upon the·land from·under
watching the·covenant and·the·mercy
to·your·servants⁺ that·walk⁺ to·your·face⁺ in·all·of their·heart :
that you·watched to·your·servant Intimate my·father
°that you·spoke to·him
and·you·speak in·your·mouth and·in·your·hand you·filled as·the·day this :
and·now Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr ꜝwatch to·your·servant Intimate my·father °that you·spoke to·him saying
he·is·not·cut·down to·you man from·to·my·face⁺
settling upon the·throne·of Princepowr
only if they·watch⁺ your·sons⁺ °their·step to·walk to·my·face⁺
as·how you·walked to·my·face⁺ :
and·now Powers⁺·of Princepowr
he·is·true ¡please! your·speech
that you·spoke
to·your·servant Intimate my·father :
as ¿truly
he·settles Powers⁺ upon the·land
¡lo! the·skies⁺ and·the·skies⁺·of the·skies⁺ they·do·not·sustain⁺·you
¡yes! as the·house this that I·built :
and·you·faced to the·mediation·of your·servant and·to his·graceprayer Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺
to·hear to the·shouting and·to the·mediation
that your·servant mediator to·your·face⁺ the·day :
to·be your·eyes² opened⁺ to the·house this night and·day
to the·rising·place
that you·said
he·is my·name there
to·hear to the·mediation
that he·mediates your·servant
to the·rising·place this :
and·you·heard to the·graceprayer·of your·servant and·your·people Princepowr
that they·mediate⁺ to the·rising·place this
and·you you·hear to the·rising·place·of your·settling to the·skies⁺
and·you·heard and·you·pardoned :
°that he·sins man to·his·tendent
and·he·was·defrauded in·him oath to·cause·him·to·make·an·oath
and·he·entered oath to·the·face⁺·of your·offering·place in·the·house this :
and·you you·hear the·skies⁺ and·you·did and·you·judged °your·servants⁺
to·cause·to·do·wickedness wicked
to·give his·step in·his·head
and·to·justify just
to·give to·him as·his·justice :
when·being·smitten your·people Princepowr to·face⁺·of enemy that they·sin⁺ to·you
and·they·returned⁺ to·you and·they·gloryhanded⁺ °your·name
and·they·mediated⁺ and·they·begged·grace⁺ to·you in·the·house this :
and·you you·hear the·skies⁺
to·the·sin·of your·people Princepowr
and·you·returned·them to the·adamah
that you·gave to·their·fathers⁺ :
when·being·restrained skies⁺ and he·is·not rain as they·sin⁺ to·you
and·they·mediated⁺ to the·rising·place this and·they·gloryhanded⁺ °your·name
and·from·their·sin they·return⁺ as you·humble·them :
and·you you·hear the·skies⁺ and·you·pardoned to·the·sin·of your·servants⁺ and·your·people Princepowr
as you·torah·them °the·step the·good that they·walk⁺ in·her
and·you·gave rain upon your·land
that you·gave to·your·people to·derivation :
hunger as he·is in·the·land unspeakable as he·is blight greenishness multibug chomper as he·is
as he·rocks·in to·him his·enemy in·the·land·of his·gates⁺
all·of touch all·of piercedness :
all·of mediation all·of graceprayer that she·is to·all·of the·adam
to·all·of your·people Princepowr
that they·know⁺ man the·touch·of his·heart
and·he·stretched his·spoons² to the·house this :
and·you you·hear the·skies⁺ the·assured·of your·settling and·you·pardoned and·you·did
and·you·gave to·the·man as·all·of his·steps⁺
that you·know °his·heart
as you you·knew alone·you
°the·heart·of all·of the·sons⁺·of the·adam :
because·of ꜝlet·them·fear⁺·you
all·of the·days⁺
that they⁺ living⁺ upon the·face⁺·of the·adamah
that you·gave to·our·fathers⁺ :
and·also to the·unrecognized
that not from·your·people Princepowr he
and·he·entered from·land afar because·of your·name :
as they·hear⁺ °your·name the·great
and·°your·hand the·firm
and·your·arm that·is·branched·out
and·he·entered and·he·mediated to the·house this :
you you·hear the·skies⁺ the·assured·of your·settling
and·you·did as·all that he·calls to·you the·unrecognized
because·of ꜝlet·them·know⁺ all·of the·people⁺·of the·land °your·name to·fear °you as·your·people Princepowr
and·to·know as your·name he·was·called
upon the·house this that I·built :
as he·goes your·people to·the·battle upon his·enemy
in·the·step that you·send·them
and·they·mediated⁺ to Yʜᴡʜ the·step·of the·city that you·chose in·her
and·the·house that I·built to·your·name :
and·you·heard the·skies⁺
°their·mediation and·°their·graceprayer
and·you·did their·judgment :
as they·sin⁺ to·you as there·is·ńot adam that he·does·not·sin
and·you·flared·your·nostrils in·them
and·you·gave·them to·face⁺·of enemy
and·they·captured⁺·them their·captors⁺ to the·land·of the·enemy
afar or present :
and·they·returned⁺ to their·heart
in·the·land that they·were·captured⁺ there
and·they·returned⁺ and·they·begged·grace⁺ to·you in·the·land·of their·captors⁺ saying
we·sinned⁺ and·we·acted·guiltily⁺ we·did·wickedness⁺ :
and·they·returned⁺ to·you in·all·of their·heart and·in·all·of their·soul
in·the·land·of their·enemies⁺ that they·captured⁺ °them
and·they·mediated⁺ to·you the·step·of their·land that you·gave to·their·fathers⁺
the·city that you·chose
and·the·house that I·built to·your·name :
and·you·heard the·skies⁺ the·assured·of your·settling
°their·mediation and·°their·graceprayer
and·you·did their·judgment :
and·you·pardoned to·your·people that they·sinned⁺ to·you
and·to·all·of their·rebellions⁺ that they·rebelled⁺ in·you
and·you·gave·them to·wombliness⁺ to·the·face⁺·of their·captors⁺ and·they·enwombed⁺·them :
as your·people and·your·derivation they⁺
that you·let·go from·Egypts²
from·the·midst·of the·cauldron·of the·iron :
to·be your·eyes² opened⁺ to the·graceprayer·of your·servant
and·to the·graceprayer·of your·people Princepowr
to·hear to·them
in·all their·calling to·you :
as you you·separated·them to·you to·derivation
from·all·of the·people⁺·of the·land
as·how you·spoke in·the·hand·of Moseh your·servant when·you·let·go °our·fathers⁺ from·Egypts² My·Lord Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·is as·all·done Shalomo to·mediate to Yʜᴡʜ
°all·of the·mediation and·the·graceprayer this
he·arose from·to·the·face⁺·of the·offering·place·of Yʜᴡʜ from·stooping upon his·knees²
and·his·spoons² stretched⁺ the·skies⁺ :
and·he·stands and·he·kneels °all·of the·congregation·of Princepowr
voice great saying :
knelt·to Yʜᴡʜ that he·gave peaceful·place to·his·people Princepowr
as·all that he·spoke
he·did·not·fall speech one from·all·of his·speech the·good
that he·spoke
in·the·hand·of Moseh his·servant :
ꜝlet·him·be Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ near·us
as·how he·was near our·fathers⁺
ꜝlet·him·not·abandon·us and ꜝlet·him·not·leave·us :
to·branch·out our·heart to·him
to·walk in·all·of his·steps⁺ and·to·watch his·commandments⁺ and·his·prescriptions⁺ and·his·judgments⁺
that he·commanded °our·fathers⁺ :
and·they·are⁺ my·speeches⁺ these that I·begged·grace to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
present⁺ to Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ daytime and·night
to·do the·judgment·of his·servant and·the·judgment·of his·people Princepowr speech·of day in·his·day :
because·of knowing all·of the·people⁺·of the·land
as Yʜᴡʜ he the·Powers⁺
there·is·ńot again :
and·he·was your⁺·heart shalomic
near Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺
to·walk in·his·prescriptions⁺ and·to·watch his·commandments⁺ as·the·day this :
and·all·of Princepowr near·him
offering⁺ offering to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·offers Shalomo °the·offering·of the·shaloms⁺ that he·offered to·Yʜᴡʜ
plowcattle twenty⁺ and·two² thousand
and·sheep hundred and·twenty⁺ thousand
and·they·dedicate⁺ °the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
the·king and·all·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
in·the·day he he·sanctified the·king °the·midst·of the·courtyard that to·the·face⁺·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
as he·did there °the·upward·offering and·°the·tribute
and·°the·fats⁺·of the·shaloms⁺
as the·offering·place·of the·copper that to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
small from·containing °the·upward·offering and·°the·tribute
and·°the·fats⁺·of the·shaloms⁺ :
and·he·does Shalomo in·the·season she °the·feast and·all·of Princepowr near·him congregation great from·Entrance·of Rampart unto the·river·of Egypts² to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺
seven·of days⁺ and·seven·of days⁺
four and·ten day :
in·the·day the·eighth he·sent·out °the·people
and·they·kneel⁺ °the·king
and·they·walk⁺ to·their·tents⁺ glad⁺ and·good⁺·of heart
upon all·of the·goodness that he·did Yʜᴡʜ to·Intimate his·servant
and·to·Princepowr his·people :
and·he·is as·all·done Shalomo
to·build °the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ and·°the·house·of the·king
and·°all·of the·charm·of Shalomo
that he·was·pleased to·do :
and·he·is·seen Yʜᴡʜ to Shalomo second
as·how he·was·seen to·him in·Hillside :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to·him I·heard °your·mediation and·°your·graceprayer that you·begged·grace to·my·face⁺
I·made·sacred °the·house this that you·built
to·place my·name there unto eternity
and·they·were⁺ my·eyes² and·my·heart there all·of the·days⁺ :
and·you if you·walk to·my·face⁺ as·how he·walked Intimate your·father in·completeness·of heart and·in·straightness
to·do as·all that I·commanded·you
my·prescriptions⁺ and·my·judgments⁺ you·watch :
and·I·raised °the·throne·of your·kingdom upon Princepowr to·eternity
as·how I·spoke upon Intimate your·father saying
he·is·not·cut·down to·you man
from·upon the·throne·of Princepowr :
if returning you·return⁺ you⁺ and·your⁺·sons⁺ from·after⁺·me
and you·do·not·watch⁺ my·commandments⁺ my·prescriptions⁺
that I·gave to·your⁺·face⁺
and·you·walked⁺ and·you·served⁺ Powers⁺ after⁺
and·you·prostrated·yourselves⁺ to·them :
and·I·cut·down °Princepowr from·upon the·face⁺·of the·adamah that I·gave to·them
and·°the·house that I·made·sacred to·my·name
I·send·out from·upon my·face⁺
and·he·was Princepowr to·simile and·to·toothed·word in·all·of the·people⁺ :
and·the·house this he·is uppermost
all·of crosser upon·him he·is·desolate and·he·whistled
and·they·said⁺ upon ¿what he·did Yʜᴡʜ thus
to·the·land this and·to·the·house this :
and·they·said⁺ upon that they·abandoned⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ their·Powers⁺ that he·let·go °their·fathers⁺ from·the·land·of Egypts²
and·they·grasp·firmly⁺ in·Powers⁺ after⁺
and·they·prostrate·themselves⁺ to·them and·they·serve⁺·them
upon surely he·brought·in Yʜᴡʜ upon·them
°all·of the·badness this :
and·he·is from·end·of twenty⁺ year
that he·built Shalomo °the·two²·of the·houses⁺
°the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ and·°the·house·of the·king :
Their-Brilliance the·king·of Rock he·bore·up °Shalomo in·trees⁺·of cedars⁺ and·in·trees⁺·of firs⁺ and·in·the·gold to·all·of his·pleasure
then he·gives the·king Shalomo to·Their-Brilliance twenty⁺ city
in·the·land·of the·Roll :
and·he·goes Their-Brilliance from·Rock
to·see °the·cities⁺
that he·gave to·him Shalomo
and they·were·not·straight⁺ in·his·eyes² :
and·he·says ¿what the·cities⁺ these
that you·gave to·me my·brother
and·he·calls to·them the·land·of Shackled
unto the·day this :
and·he·sends Their-Brilliance to·the·king
hundred and·twenty⁺ round·of gold :
and·this the·speech·of the·levy that he·offered·up the·king Shalomo to·build °the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ and·°his·house and·°the·fulling
and·°the·rampart·of Torahshalom
and·°Courtyard and·°Clout-Place and·°Section :
Pharaoh the·king·of Egypts² he·went·up and·he·seizes °Section and·he·burns·her in·the·fire
and·°the·Cashierïte that·settles in·the·city he·killed
and·he·gives·her sendoff·gifts⁺
to·his·daughter the·woman·of Shalomo :
and·he·builds Shalomo °Section
and·°House·of Brilliant Undermost :
and·°Mistressship and·°Tadmor in·the·outspeak in·the·land :
and·°all·of the·cities⁺·of the·caretaking⁺ that they·were⁺ to·Shalomo
and·°the·cities⁺·of the·chariot
and·°the·cities⁺·of the·shockcavalry⁺
and·°the·charm·of Shalomo that he·was·charmed to·build in·Torahshalom and·in·the·Whitemost
and·in·all·of the·land·of his·rule :
all·of the·people the·remnant from the·Amurruïte the·Castdownïte the·Villageïte the·Liveïte and·the·Troddenïte
that not from·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr they⁺ :
their·sons⁺ that they·remained⁺ after⁺·them in·the·land
that they·were·not·able⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr to·make·them·herem
and·he·offers·them·up Shalomo to·levy·of servant
unto the·day this :
and·from·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
he·did·not·give Shalomo servant
as they⁺ the·mortals⁺·of the·battle and·his·servants⁺ and·his·princes⁺ and·his·third-ranking·men⁺
and·the·princes⁺·of his·chariot and·his·shockcavalry⁺ :
these the·princes⁺·of that·are·posted⁺ that upon the·ministry to·Shalomo
fifty⁺ and·five·of hundred⁺
that·govern⁺ in·the·people
that·do⁺ in·the·ministry :
surely the·daughter·of Pharaoh she·went·up from·the·city·of Intimate
to her·house that he·built to·her
then he·built °the·fulling :
and·he·offered·up Shalomo three times⁺ in·the·year upward·offerings⁺ and·shaloms⁺ upon the·offering·place that he·built to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·incendiating with·him
that to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·shalomed °the·house :
and·shipping he·did the·king Shalomo in·Shell·of Hero that with Powrer upon the·lip·of the·sea·of Reeds in·the·land·of Blood :
and·he·sends Their-Brilliance in·the·shipping °his·servants⁺
mortals⁺·of ships⁺
the·knowing⁺·of the·sea
near the·servants⁺·of Shalomo :
and·they·enter⁺ ➝Ophir
and·they·take⁺ from·there gold
four hundred⁺ and·twenty⁺ round
and·they·bring·in⁺ to the·king Shalomo :
and·Queen·of Sheba hearing °the·hearing·of Shalomo to·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·she·enters to·try·him·out in·riddles⁺ :
and·she·enters ➝Torahshalom in·strength weighty very
camels⁺ bearers⁺·of spices⁺ and·gold much very and·stone precious
and·she·enters to Shalomo
and·she·speaks to·him
°all that he·was near her·heart :
and·he·tells·forth to·her Shalomo °all·of her·speeches⁺
he·was·not speech hooded from the·king
that he·did·not·tell·forth to·her :
and·she·sees Queen·of Sheba
°all·of the·wisdom·of Shalomo
and·the·house that he·built :
and·the·edibles·of his·table and·the·seat·of his·servants⁺ and·the·standing·of his·assistants⁺ and·their·robes⁺ and·his·drink-givers⁺
that he·offers·up the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
and he·was·not in·her again breath :
and·she·says to the·king
truth he·was the·speech
that I·heard in·my·land
upon your·speeches⁺ and·upon your·wisdom :
and I·was·not·true to·the·speeches⁺ unto that I·entered and·they·see⁺ my·eyes²
and·¡lo! he·was·not·told·forth to·me the·half
you·added wisdom and·good
to the·hearing that I·heard :
the·blessedness⁺·of your·mortals⁺
the·blessedness⁺·of your·servants⁺ these
that·stand⁺ to·your·face⁺ always
that·hear⁺ °your·wisdom :
ꜝlet·him·be Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ knelt·to
that he·was·pleased in·you
to·give·you upon the·throne·of Princepowr
when·loving Yʜᴡʜ °Princepowr to·eternity
and·he·places·you to·king
to·do judgment and·justice :
and·she·gives to·the·king hundred and·twenty⁺ round·of gold and·spices⁺ multiplying very and·stone precious
he·did·not·enter as·the·spice he again to·multitude
that she·gave Queen·of Sheba to·the·king Shalomo :
and·also the·shipping·of Their-Brilliance
that he·bore gold from·Ophir
he·brought·in from·Ophir trees⁺·of almugtrees⁺ multiplying very and·stone precious :
and·he·does the·king °the·trees⁺·of the·almugtrees⁺ bolster to·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ and·to·the·house·of the·king
and·lyres⁺ and·wiltharps⁺ to·the·singers⁺
he·did·not·enter surely trees⁺·of almugtrees⁺ and he·was·not·seen
unto the·day this :
and·the·king Shalomo he·gave to·Queen·of Sheba °all·of her·pleasure that she·requested
from·aloneside that he·gave to·her
as·the·hand·of the·king Shalomo
and·she·faces and·she·walks to·her·land she and·her·servants⁺ :
and·he·is the·shekelness·of the·gold
that he·entered to·Shalomo in·year one
six hundred⁺ sixty⁺ and·six round·of gold :
alone from·the·mortals⁺·of the·scouts⁺
and·the·commerce·of the·traders⁺
and·all·of the·kings⁺·of the·Arabia and·the·prefects⁺·of the·land :
and·he·does the·king Shalomo hundred² shield gold slaughtered
six·of hundred⁺ gold
he·offers·up upon the·shield one :
and·three·of hundred⁺ guards⁺ gold slaughtered
three·of allotments⁺ gold
he·offers·up upon the·guard one
and·he·gives·them the·king
the·house·of the·forest·of the·Whitemost :
and·he·does the·king throne·of tooth great
and·he·tops·him gold sterling :
six·of upward·ways⁺ to·the·throne and·head wagonwheeled to·the·throne from·after⁺·him
and·hands⁺ from·this and·from·this to the·rising·place·of the·seat
and·two² lions⁺
standing⁺ beside the·hands⁺ :
and·two² and·ten·of lions⁺ standing⁺ there upon the·six·of the·upward·ways⁺ from·this and·from·this
he·was·not·done surely to·all·of kingdoms⁺ :
and·all·of the·things⁺·of the·drinking·of the·king Shalomo gold
and·all·of the·things⁺·of the·house·of the·forest·of the·Whitemost gold locked
there·is·ńot silver not considered in·the·days⁺·of Shalomo to·smidge :
as the·shipping·of Tarshysh to·the·king in·the·sea
near the·shipping·of Their-Brilliance
one to·three years⁺ she·enters the·shipping·of Tarshysh bearer·of gold and·silver
elephant·teeth⁺ and·apes⁺ and·peacocks⁺ :
and·he·becomes·great the·king Shalomo
from·all·of the·kings⁺·of the·land
to·riches and·to·wisdom :
and·all·of the·land
seekers⁺ °the·face⁺·of Shalomo
to·hear °his·wisdom
that he·gave Powers⁺ in·his·heart :
and·they⁺ bringing·in⁺ man his·tribute things⁺·of silver and·things⁺·of gold and·garments⁺ and·armory and·spices⁺
horses⁺ and·asses⁺
speech·of year in·year :
and·he·gathers Shalomo chariot and·shockcavalry⁺
and·he·is to·him thousand and·four hundred⁺ chariot
and·two² and·ten thousand shockcavalry⁺
and·he·guides·them in·the·cities⁺·of the·chariot
and·near the·king in·Torahshalom :
and·he·gives the·king °the·silver in·Torahshalom as·the·stones⁺
and·°the·cedars⁺ he·gave as·the·sycamores⁺ that in·the·lowland to·multitude :
and·the·going·of the·horses⁺ that to·Shalomo from·Egypts²
and·from·the·hopecord·of the·merchants⁺·of the·king
they·take⁺ from·hopecord in·price :
and·she·goes·up and·she·goes chariot from·Egypts² in·six·of hundred⁺ silver
and·horse in·fifty⁺ and·hundred
and·surely to·all·of the·kings⁺·of the·Castdownïtes⁺ and·to·the·kings⁺·of Height in·their·hand they·let·go⁺ :
and·the·king Shalomo he·loved women⁺ unrecognized⁺ many⁺ and·°the·daughter·of Pharaoh
Fromfatherïtes⁺ Peopledïtes⁺ Bloodïtes⁺
Hunterïtes⁺ Castdownïtes⁺ :
from the·clans⁺ that he·said Yʜᴡʜ to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr you·do·not·enter⁺ in·them and·they⁺ they·do·not·enter⁺ in·you⁺
surely they·branch·out⁺ °your⁺·heart
after⁺ their·Powers⁺
in·them he·was·joined Shalomo to·love :
and·he·is to·him women⁺ princesses⁺ seven hundred⁺
and·concubines⁺ three·of hundred⁺
and·they·branch·out⁺ his·women⁺ °his·heart :
and·he·is to·the·season·of the·old·age·of Shalomo
his·women⁺ they·branched·out⁺ °his·heart
after⁺ Powers⁺ after⁺
and he·was·not his·heart shalomic near Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺
as·the·heart·of Intimate his·father :
and·he·walks Shalomo
after⁺ Blessing
Powers⁺·of Hunterïtes⁺
and·after⁺ Kingm
the·detestation·of Peopledïtes⁺ :
and·he·does Shalomo the·bad in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ
and he·did·not·fill after⁺ Yʜᴡʜ as·Intimate his·father :
then he·builds Shalomo dais to·Kemosh the·detestation·of From-Father
in·the·mount that upon the·face⁺·of Torahshalom
and·to·King the·detestation·of the·sons⁺·of Peopled :
and·surely he·did
to·all·of his·women⁺ the·unrecognized⁺
incendiating⁺ and·offering⁺ to·their·Powers⁺ :
and·he·flares·his·nostrils Yʜᴡʜ in·Shalomo
as he·branched·out his·heart from·near Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
the·he·was·seen to·him times² :
and·he·commanded to·him upon the·speech this
to·not walking
after⁺ Powers⁺ after⁺
and he·did·not·watch
°that he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to·Shalomo because that she·was this near·you
and you·did·not·watch my·covenant and·my·prescriptions⁺
that I·commanded upon·you
tearing I·tear °the·kingdom from·upon·you
and·I·gave·her to·your·servant :
surely in·your·days⁺ I·do·not·do·her
because·of Intimate your·father
from·the·hand·of your·son I·tear·her :
only °all·of the·kingdom I·do·not·tear
stem one I·give to·your·son
because·of Intimate my·servant
and·because·of Torahshalom that I·chose :
and·he·raises Yʜᴡʜ accuser to·Shalomo
°Hadad the·Bloodïte
from·the·seed·of the·king he in·Blood :
and·he·is when·being Intimate °Blood
when·going·up Yᴡ-Fathered the·prince·of the·host
to·entomb °the·pierced⁺
and·he·strikes all membered in·Blood :
as six·of new·moons⁺ he·settled there Yᴡ-Fathered and·all·of Princepowr
unto he·cut·down all membered in·Blood :
and·he·bolts Hadad he and·mortals⁺ Bloodïtes⁺ from·the·servants⁺·of his·father with·him to·enter Egypts²
and·Hadad youth small :
and·they·arise⁺ from·Vindictiveness
and·they·enter⁺ Sprigging
and·they·take⁺ mortals⁺ near·them from·Sprigging and·they·enter⁺ Egypts² to Pharaoh the·king·of Egypts²
and·he·gives to·him house and·bread he·said to·him
and·land he·gave to·him :
and·he·finds Hadad grace in·the·eyes²·of Pharaoh very
and·he·gives to·him woman °the·sister·of his·woman
the·sister·of Tachpenes the·heroine :
and·she·enchilds to·him the·sister·of Tachpenes °Stealing his·son
and·she·yields·him Tachpenes
in·the·midst·of the·house·of Pharaoh
and·he·is Stealing the·house·of Pharaoh
in·the·midst·of the·sons⁺·of Pharaoh :
and·Hadad he·heard in·Egypts² as he·bedded Intimate near his·fathers⁺
and·as he·died Yᴡ-Fathered the·prince·of the·host
and·he·says Hadad to Pharaoh
ꜝsend·me·out and·I·walk to my·land :
and·he·says to·him Pharaoh as ¿what you lacking near·me
and·¡lo!·you seeker to·walk to your·land
and·he·says not
as sending·out you·send·me·out :
and·he·raises Powers⁺ to·him accuser
°Sovereign the·son·of Powr-Knows
that he·bolted from·with Hadad-Helped the·king·of Depot his·lords⁺ :
and·he·collects upon·him mortals⁺
and·he·is prince·of clouttroop
when·killing Intimate °them
and·they·walk⁺ Damascus and·they·settle⁺ in·her
and·they·are·king⁺ in·Damascus :
and·he·is accuser to·Princepowr all·of the·days⁺·of Shalomo
and·with the·badness that Hadad
and·he·is·vexed in·Princepowr
and·he·is·king upon Height :
and·People-Argues the·son·of Looked Fruitfulïte from the·Tzeredah and·the·name·of his·mama Leprous woman widow
servant to·Shalomo
and·he·heightens hand in·the·king :
and·this the·speech
that he·heightened hand in·the·king
Shalomo he·built °the·fulling
he·locked °the·rupture·of the·city·of Intimate his·father :
and·the·man People-Argues hero·of strength
and·he·sees Shalomo °the·youth as doer·of ministry he
and·he·gives·to·reckon °him
to·all·of the·heavy·labor·of the·house·of He-Adds :
and·he·is in·the·season she
and·People-Argues he·went from·Torahshalom
and·he·finds °him Brother-of-Yʜᴡ the·Relaxationïte the·prophet in·the·step and·he covering·oneself in·garment new
and·the·two²·of·them alone·them in·the·field :
and·he·clenches Brother-of-Yʜᴡ
in·the·garment the·new that upon·him
two² and·ten·of torn·pieces⁺ :
and·he·says to·People-Argues
ꜝtake to·you ten torn·pieces⁺
as thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr ¡lo!·me tearing °the·kingdom from·the·hand·of Shalomo
and·I·gave to·you
°ten the·stems⁺ :
and·the·stem one he·is to·him
because·of my·servant Intimate and·because·of Torahshalom
the·city that I·chose in·her
from·all·of the·stems⁺·of Princepowr :
because that they·abandoned⁺·me and·they·prostrate·themselves⁺ to·Blessing Powers⁺·of Hunterïtes⁺
to·Kemosh Powers⁺·of From-Father
and·to·Kingm Powers⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Peopled
and they·did·not·walk⁺ in·my·steps⁺ to·do the·straight in·my·eyes² and·my·prescriptions⁺ and·my·judgments⁺ as·Intimate his·father :
and I·do·not·take °all·of the·kingdom from·his·hand
as wellborn I·put·him all·of the·days⁺·of his·life⁺
because·of Intimate my·servant that I·chose °him
that he·watched my·commandments⁺ and·my·prescriptions⁺ :
and·I·took the·kingship from·the·hand·of his·son
and·I·gave·her to·you
°the·ten·of the·stems⁺ :
and·to·his·son I·give stem one
because·of being lamp to·Intimate my·servant all·of the·days⁺ to·my·face⁺ in·Torahshalom
the·city that I·chose to·me
to·place my·name there :
and·°you I·take
in·all that she·yearns·for your·soul
and·you·were king upon Princepowr :
and·he·was if you·hear °all that I·command·you
and·you·walked in·my·steps⁺ and·you·did the·straight in·my·eyes² to·watch my·prescriptions⁺ and·my·commandments⁺
as·how he·did Intimate my·servant
and·I·was near·you and·I·built to·you house true as·how I·built to·Intimate
and·I·gave to·you °Princepowr :
and·I·humiliate °the·seed·of Intimate because·of this
surely not all·of the·days⁺ :
and·he·seeks Shalomo to·put·to·death °People-Argues
and·he·arises People-Argues and·he·bolts Egypts² to Shoshek the·king·of Egypts²
and·he·is in·Egypts² unto the·death·of Shalomo :
and·the·remainder·of the·speeches⁺·of Shalomo and·all that he·did and·his·wisdom
¿not they⁺ written⁺
upon the·account·of the·speeches⁺·of Shalomo :
and·the·days⁺ that he·was·king Shalomo in·Torahshalom upon all·of Princepowr
forty⁺ year :
and·he·beds Shalomo near his·fathers⁺
in·the·city·of Intimate his·father
and·he·is·king Broadened-People his·son unders⁺·him :
and·he·walks Broadened-People Yoke
as Yoke he·entered all·of Princepowr to·king °him :
and·he·is as·hearing People-Argues the·son·of Looked and·he he·is·still in·Egypts²
that he·bolted
from·the·face⁺·of the·king Shalomo
and·he·settles People-Argues in·Egypts² :
and·they·send⁺ and·they·call⁺ to·him
and·he·enters People-Argues and·all·of the·congregation·of Princepowr
to Broadened-People saying :
your·father he·hardened °our·harness
and·you now ꜝslighten from·the·service·of your·father the·hard and·from·his·harness the·weighty that he·gave upon·us and·we·serve⁺·you :
and·he·says to·them ꜝwalk⁺ again three days⁺ and·ꜝreturn⁺ to·me
and·they·walk⁺ the·people :
and·he·consults the·king Broadened-People with the·elders⁺ that they·were⁺ standing⁺ with the·face⁺·of Shalomo his·father
when·he·is living saying
¿ħow you⁺ consulting⁺
to·return °the·people this speech :
and·they·speak⁺ to·him saying if the·day you·are servant to·the·people this and·you·served·them
and·you·responded·them and·you·spoke to·them speeches⁺ good⁺
and·they·were⁺ to·you servants⁺ all·of the·days⁺ :
and·he·abandons °the·counsel·of the·elders⁺ that they·counselled⁺·him
and·he·consults with the·children⁺ that they·became·great⁺ with·him
that that·stand⁺ to·his·face⁺ :
and·he·says to·them ¿what you⁺ consulting⁺
and·we·return⁺ speech °the·people this
that they·spoke⁺ to·me saying
ꜝslighten from the·harness
that he·gave your·father upon·us :
and·they·speak⁺ to·him the·children⁺ that they·became·great⁺ with·him saying
thus you·say to·the·people this that they·spoke⁺ to·you saying your·father he·made·weighty °our·harness
and·you ꜝslighten from·upon·us
thus you·speak to·them
my·smallest·finger he·was·thick from·the·thighs²·of my·father :
and·now my·father he·loaded upon·you⁺ harness weighty
and·I I·add upon your⁺·harness
my·father he·instructed °you⁺ in·the·paddles⁺
and·I I·instruct °you⁺ in·the·scorpions⁺ :
and·he·enters People-Argues and·all·of the·people to Broadened-People in·the·day the·third
as·how he·spoke the·king saying
ꜝreturn⁺ to·me in·the·day the·third :
and·he·responds the·king °the·people hard
and·he·abandons °the·counsel·of the·elders⁺ that they·counselled⁺·him :
and·he·speaks to·them as·the·counsel·of the·children⁺ saying
my·father he·made·weighty °your⁺·harness
and·I I·add upon your⁺·harness
my·father he·instructed °you⁺ in·the·paddles⁺
and·I I·instruct °you⁺ in·the·scorpions⁺ :
and he·did·not·hear the·king to the·people
as she·was turn·of·affairs from·near Yʜᴡʜ
because·of raising °his·speech that he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ in·the·hand·of Brother-of-Yʜᴡ the·Relaxationïte
to People-Argues the·son·of Looked :
and·he·sees all·of Princepowr as he·did·not·hear the·king to·them
and·they·return⁺ the·people °the·king speech saying ¿what to·us dividend in·Intimate and·not derivation in·the·son·of He-Is to·your·tents⁺ Princepowr
now ꜝsee your·house Intimate
and·he·walks Princepowr to·his·tents⁺ :
and·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
that·settle⁺ in·the·cities⁺·of Gloryhand
and·he·is·king upon·them Broadened-People :
and·he·sends the·king Broadened-People °Lord-Heightens that upon the·levy
and·they·execute⁺ all·of Princepowr in·him stone and·he·dies
and·the·king Broadened-People he·emboldened·himself to·go·up in·the·chariot
to·flee Torahshalom :
and·they·rebel⁺ Princepowr in·the·house·of Intimate
unto the·day this :
and·he·is as·hearing all·of Princepowr as he·returned People-Argues
and·they·send⁺ and·they·call⁺ °him to the·assembly
and·they·king⁺ °him upon all·of Princepowr
he·was·not after⁺ the·house·of Intimate
beyond the·stem·of Gloryhand alone·him :
and·he·enters Broadened-People Torahshalom
and·he·congregates °all·of the·house·of Gloryhand and·°the·stem·of Son-of-Right hundred and·eighty⁺ thousand chosen doer·of battle
to·battle near the·house·of Princepowr
to·return °the·kingship
to·Broadened-People the·son·of Shalomo :
and·he·is the·speech·of the·Powers⁺
to Heard-Yʜᴡ the·man·of the·Powers⁺ saying :
ꜝsay to Broadened-People the·son·of Shalomo the·king·of Gloryhand
and·to all·of the·house·of Gloryhand and·Son-of-Right
and·the·remainder·of the·people saying :
thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ you·do·not·go·up⁺ and you·do·not·battle⁺ near your⁺·brothers⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr ꜝreturn⁺ man to·his·house
as from·with·me he·had·been the·speech this
and·they·hear⁺ °the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·they·return⁺ to·walk as·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·builds People-Argues °Yoke in·the·mount·of Fruits² and·he·settles in·her
and·he·goes from·there
and·he·builds °Face-of-Powr :
and·he·says People-Argues in·his·heart
now she·returns the·kingdom to·the·house·of Intimate :
if he·goes·up the·people this to·do offerings⁺ in·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ in·Torahshalom
and·he·returned the·heart·of the·people this to their·lords⁺
to Broadened-People the·king·of Gloryhand
and·they·killed⁺·me and·they·returned⁺ to Broadened-People the·king·of Gloryhand :
and·he·consults the·king
and·he·does two²·of oxen⁺·of gold
and·he·says to·them much to·you⁺ from·going·up Torahshalom
¡lo! your·Powers⁺ Princepowr
that they·offered·you·up⁺ from·the·land·of Egypts² :
and·he·places °one in·House·of Powr
and·°one he·gave in·Vindicator :
and·he·is the·speech this to·sin
and·they·walk⁺ the·people to·the·face⁺·of one unto Vindicator :
and·he·does °house·of daises⁺
and·he·does priests⁺ from·the·ends⁺·of the·people
that they·were·not⁺ from·the·sons⁺·of Debtor :
and·he·does People-Argues feast in·the·new·moon the·eighth in·five and·ten day to·the·new·moon as·the·feast that in·Gloryhand and·he·offers·up upon the·offering·place
surely he·did in·House·of Powr
to·offer to·the·oxen⁺ that he·did
and·he·caused·to·stand in·House·of Powr
°the·priests⁺·of the·daises⁺ that he·did :
and·he·offers·up upon the·offering·place that he·did in·House·of Powr in·five and·ten day in·the·new·moon the·eighth
in·the·new·moon that he·fabricated from·his·heart
and·he·does feast to·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·he·offers·up upon the·offering·place to·incendiate :
and·¡lo! the·man·of Powers⁺ he·entered from·Gloryhand in·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ to House·of Powr
and·People-Argues standing upon the·offering·place to·incendiate :
and·he·calls upon the·offering·place in·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·says offering·place offering·place
thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ
¡lo! son child to·the·house·of Intimate Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ his·name
and·he·offered upon·you °the·priests⁺·of the·daises⁺ that·incendiate⁺ upon·you
and·bones⁺·of adam they·burn⁺ upon·you :
and·he·gave in·the·day he omen saying
this the·omen
that he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ
¡lo! the·offering·place he·was·torn
and·he·was·spilled·out the·bounty that upon·him :
and·he·is as·hearing the·king °the·speech·of the·man·of the·Powers⁺ that he·called upon the·offering·place in·House·of Powr
and·he·sends People-Argues °his·hand from·upon the·offering·place saying ꜝclench⁺·him
and·she·dries·up his·hand that he·sent upon·him
and he·was·not·able to·return·her to·him :
and·the·offering·place he·was·torn
and·he·is·spilled·out the·bounty from the·offering·place
as·the·omen that he·gave the·man·of the·Powers⁺ in·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·responds the·king and·he·says to the·man·of the·Powers⁺ ꜝpierce·the·presence·of ¡please! °the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ and·ꜝmediate about·me
and·ꜝlet·her·return my·hand to·me
and·he·pierces·the·presence·of the·man·of the·Powers⁺ °the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·she·returns the·hand·of the·king to·him
and·she·is as·in·the·headmost :
and·he·speaks the·king to the·man·of the·Powers⁺
ꜝenter! with·me ➝the·house and·ꜝbolster!
and·ꜝlet·me·give to·you gift :
and·he·says the·man·of the·Powers⁺ to the·king
if you·give to·me °the·half·of your·house
I·do·not·enter near·you
and I·do·not·eat bread and I·do·not·drink waters⁺
in·the·rising·place this :
as surely he·commanded °me in·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ saying
you·do·not·eat bread and you·do·not·drink waters⁺
and you·do·not·return
in·the·step that you·walked :
and·he·walks in·step after
and he·did·not·return in·the·step
that he·entered in·her to House·of Powr :
and·prophet one elder
settling in·House·of Powr
and·he·enters his·son and·he·recounts to·him °all·of the·deed that he·did the·man·of the·Powers⁺ the·day in·House·of Powr °the·speeches⁺ that he·spoke to the·king
and·they·recount⁺·them to·their·father :
and·he·speaks to·them their·father
¿where this the·step he·walked
and·they·see⁺ his·sons⁺ °the·step that he·walked the·man·of the·Powers⁺
that he·entered from·Gloryhand :
and·he·says to his·sons⁺
ꜝwrap⁺ to·me the·donkey
and·they·wrap⁺ to·him the·donkey
and·he·chariots upon·him :
and·he·walks after⁺ the·man·of the·Powers⁺
settling under the·powrtree
and·he·says to·him ¿you the·man·of the·Powers⁺ that you·entered from·Gloryhand and·he·says I :
and·he·says to·him
ꜝwalk with·me ➝the·house
and·ꜝeat bread :
and·he·says I·am·not·able to·return with·you and·to·enter with·you
and I·do·not·eat bread and I·do·not·drink with·you waters⁺
in·the·rising·place this :
as speech to·me in·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ
you·do·not·eat bread
and you·do·not·drink there waters⁺
you·do·not·return to·walk
in·the·step that you·walked in·her :
and·he·says to·him also I prophet as·you
and·minister he·spoke to·me in·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ saying ꜝreturn·him with·you to your·house
and·he·eats bread and·ꜝlet·him·drink waters⁺
he·denied to·him :
and·he·returns with·him and·he·eats bread in·his·house and·he·drinks waters⁺ :
and·he·is they⁺ settling⁺ to the·table
and·he·is the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ
to the·prophet that he·returned·him :
and·he·calls to the·man·of the·Powers⁺ that he·entered from·Gloryhand saying
thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ
because as you·were·bitter the·mouth·of Yʜᴡʜ
and you·did·not·watch °the·commandment
that he·commanded·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
and·you·return and·you·eat bread and·you·drink waters⁺
in·the·rising·place that he·spoke to·you
ꜝdo·not·eat bread and ꜝdo·not·drink waters⁺
she·does·not·enter your·wilted·body to the·tomb·of your·fathers⁺ :
and·he·is after⁺ his·eating bread and·after⁺ his·drinking
and·he·wraps to·him the·donkey
to·the·prophet that he·returned·him :
and·he·walks and·he·finds·him lion in·the·step and·he·puts·him·to·death
and·she·is his·wilted·body dropped in·the·step
and·the·donkey standing beside·her
standing beside the·wilted·body :
and·¡lo! mortals⁺ crossers⁺ and·they·see⁺ °the·wilted·body dropped in·the·step
standing beside the·wilted·body
and·they·enter⁺ and·they·speak⁺ in·the·city
that the·prophet the·elder settling in·her :
and·he·hears the·prophet that he·returned·him from the·step
and·he·says the·man·of the·Powers⁺ he
that he·was·bitter °the·mouth·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·gives·him Yʜᴡʜ to·the·lion and·he·breaks·him and·he·puts·him·to·death
as·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ that he·spoke to·him :
and·he·speaks to his·sons⁺ saying
ꜝwrap⁺ to·me °the·donkey
and·they·wrap⁺ :
and·he·walks and·he·finds °his·wilted·body dropped in·the·step
and·donkey and·the·lion
standing⁺ beside the·wilted·body
he·did·not·eat the·lion °the·wilted·body
and he·did·not·break °the·donkey :
and·he·bears the·prophet °the·wilted·body·of the·man·of the·Powers⁺ and·he·sets·him·in·peace to the·donkey and·he·returns·him
and·he·enters to the·city·of the·prophet the·elder
to·lament and·to·entomb·him :
and·he·sets·in·peace °his·wilted·body in·his·tomb
and·they·lament⁺ upon·him ¡oweh! my·brother :
and·he·is after⁺ his·entombing °him
and·he·says to his·sons⁺ saying
in·my·death and·you·entombed⁺ °me
in·the·tomb that the·man·of the·Powers⁺ entombed in·him
beside his·bones⁺
ꜝset·in·peace⁺ °my·bones⁺ :
as being he·is the·speech that he·called in·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ
upon the·offering·place that in·House·of Powr
and·upon all·of the·houses⁺·of the·daises⁺
that in·the·cities⁺·of Watchstation :
after the·speech this
he·did·not·return People-Argues from·his·step the·bad
and·he·returns and·he·does from·the·ends⁺·of the·people priests⁺·of daises⁺
the·pleased he·fills °his·hand
and·ꜝlet·him·be priests⁺·of daises⁺ :
and·he·is in·the·speech this
to·the·sin·of the·house·of People-Argues
and·to·stifle and·to·destroy
from·upon the·face⁺·of the·adamah :
in·the·season she
he·was·pierced Father-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of People-Argues :
and·he·says People-Argues to·his·woman ꜝarise ¡please! and·you·doubled·yourself·up
and they·do·not·know⁺
as you the·woman·of People-Argues
and·you·walked Relaxation ¡lo! there Brother-of-Yʜᴡ the·prophet
he he·spoke upon·me to·king upon the·people this :
and·you·took in·your·hand ten bread and·speckled⁺ and·vacuole·of honey and·you·entered to·him
he he·tells·forth to·you
¿what he·is to·the·youth :
and·she·does surely the·woman·of People-Argues
and·she·arises and·she·walks Relaxation
and·she·enters the·house·of Brother-of-Yʜᴡ
and·Brother-of-Yʜᴡ he·was·not·able to·see
as they·arose⁺ his·eyes² from·his·gray·head :
and·Yʜᴡʜ he·said to Brother-of-Yʜᴡ ¡lo! the·woman·of People-Argues entering to·investigate speech from·near·you to her·son as pierced he
as·this and·as·this you·speak to·her
and·ꜝlet·him·be as·she·enters
and·she acting·unrecognizably :
and·he·is as·hearing Brother-of-Yʜᴡ °the·voice·of her·feet² entering in·the·opening
and·he·says ꜝenter the·woman·of People-Argues
to·¿what this you acting·unrecognizably
sent to·you hard :
ꜝwalk ꜝsay to·People-Argues thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
because that I·heightened·you from·the·midst·of the·people
and·I·give·you foremost
upon my·people Princepowr :
and·I·tear °the·kingdom from·the·house·of Intimate
and·I·give·her to·you
and you·were·not as·my·servant Intimate that he·watched my·commandments⁺ and·that he·walked after⁺·me in·all·of his·heart
to·do only the·straight in·my·eyes² :
and·you·do·bad to·do
from·all that they·were⁺ to·your·face⁺
and·you·walk and·you·do to·you Powers⁺ after⁺ and·libated·metals⁺ to·trouble·me
and·°me you·dropped after⁺ your·back :
to·surely ¡lo!·me bringing·in badness to the·house·of People-Argues
and·I·cut·down to·People-Argues pissing in·wall
restrained and·abandoned in·Princepowr
and·I·consumed·by·fire after⁺ the·house·of People-Argues
as·how he·consumes·by·fire the·dungroll unto his·completed :
the·dead to·People-Argues in·the·city they·eat⁺ the·dogs⁺
and·the·dead in·the·field
they·eat⁺ the·flyer·of the·skies⁺
as Yʜᴡʜ he·spoke :
and·you ꜝarise ꜝwalk to·your·house
when·entering your·feet² ➝the·city and·he·died the·child :
and·they·lamented⁺ to·him all·of Princepowr and·they·entombed⁺ °him
as this alone·him
he·enters to·People-Argues to tomb
because he·was·found in·him speech good to Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr in·the·house·of People-Argues :
and·he·raised Yʜᴡʜ to·him king upon Princepowr
that he·cuts·down °the·house·of People-Argues this the·day
and·¿what also now :
and·he·struck Yʜᴡʜ °Princepowr as·how he·sways the·stalk in·the·waters⁺
and·he·expelled °Princepowr from·upon the·adamah the·good this that he·gave to·their·fathers⁺
and·he·winnowed·them from·region·across to·the·Stream
because that they·did⁺ °their·Blessed·Ones⁺
troubling⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·gives °Princepowr
in·the·roll-account·of the·sins⁺·of People-Argues that he·sinned
and·that he·caused·to·sin °Princepowr :
and·she·arises the·woman·of People-Argues
and·she·walks and·she·enters ➝Favored
she entering in·the·portal·of the·house and·the·youth he·died :
and·they·entomb⁺ °him and·they·lament⁺ to·him all·of Princepowr
as·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ that he·spoke
in·the·hand·of his·servant Brother-of-Yʜᴡ the·prophet :
and·the·remainder·of the·speeches⁺·of People-Argues
that he·battled and·that he·was·king
¡lo!·them written⁺ upon the·account·of Speeches⁺·of the·days⁺ to·the·kings⁺·of Princepowr :
and·the·days⁺ that he·was·king People-Argues
twenty⁺ and·two² year
and·he·beds near his·fathers⁺
and·he·is·king Noble his·son unders⁺·him :
and·Broadened-People the·son·of Shalomo
he·was·king in·Gloryhand
son·of forty⁺ and·one·of year Broadened-People when·he·is·king and·seven and·ten year he·was·king in·Torahshalom the·city that he·chose Yʜᴡʜ to·place °his·name there from·all·of the·stems⁺·of Princepowr
and·the·name·of his·mama
Amiable the·Peopledïte :
and·he·does Gloryhand the·bad in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·they·are·jealous⁺ °him from·all that they·did⁺ their·fathers⁺
in·their·sins⁺ that they·sinned⁺ :
and·they·build⁺ also they⁺ to·them daises⁺ and·posts⁺ and·Blessed·Ones⁺
upon all·of hill climbing
and·under all·of tree thriving :
and·also sanctuary·boy he·was in·the·land
they·did⁺ as·all·of the·abominations⁺·of the·clans⁺
that he·disinherited Yʜᴡʜ
from·the·face⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·is in·the·year the·fifth to·the·king Broadened-People
he·went·up Shoshek the·king·of Egypts² upon Torahshalom :
and·he·takes °the·treasures⁺·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ and·°the·treasures⁺·of the·house·of the·king
and·°all he·took
and·he·takes °all·of the·guards⁺·of the·gold
that he·did Shalomo :
and·he·does the·king Broadened-People under·them
guards⁺·of copper
and·he·gave·to·reckon upon the·hand·of the·princes⁺·of the·runners⁺
the·opening·of the·house·of the·king :
and·he·is from·enough·of entering the·king the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
they·bear⁺·them the·runners⁺
and·they·returned⁺·them to the·tauchamber·of the·runners⁺ :
and·the·remainder·of the·speeches⁺·of Broadened-People and·all that he·did
¿not they⁺ written⁺ upon the·account·of Speeches⁺·of the·days⁺ to·the·kings⁺·of Gloryhand :
and·battle she·was between Broadened-People and·between People-Argues all·of the·days⁺ :
and·he·beds Broadened-People near his·fathers⁺ and·he·is·entombed near his·fathers⁺ in·the·city·of Intimate
and·the·name·of his·mama
Amiable the·Peopledïte
and·he·is·king Father-of-Sea his·son unders⁺·him :
and·in·year·of eight and·ten
to·the·king People-Argues the·son·of Looked
he·was·king Father-of-Sea upon Gloryhand :
three years⁺
he·was·king in·Torahshalom
and·the·name·of his·mama
Battering the·daughter·of Father-of-Shalom :
and·he·walks in·all·of the·sins⁺·of his·father that he·did to·his·face⁺
and he·was·not his·heart shalomic near Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺
as·the·heart·of Intimate his·father :
as because·of Intimate
he·gave Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺ to·him lamp in·Torahshalom
to·raise °his·son after⁺·him
and·to·cause·to·stand °Torahshalom :
that he·did Intimate °the·straight in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ
and he·did·not·move from·all that he·commanded·him all·of the·days⁺·of his·life⁺
only in·the·speech·of Light-of-Yʜ the·Castdownïte :
and·battle she·was between Broadened-People and·between People-Argues all·of the·days⁺·of his·life⁺ :
and·the·remainder·of the·speeches⁺·of Father-of-Sea and·all that he·did
¿not they⁺ written⁺ upon the·account·of Speeches⁺·of the·days⁺ to·the·kings⁺·of Gloryhand
and·battle she·was between Father-of-Sea and·between People-Argues :
and·he·beds Father-of-Sea near his·fathers⁺
and·they·entomb⁺ °him in·the·city·of Intimate
and·he·is·king Physician his·son unders⁺·him :
and·in·year·of twenty⁺
to·People-Argues the·king·of Princepowr
he·was·king Physician the·king·of Gloryhand :
and·forty⁺ and·one·of year
he·was·king in·Torahshalom
and·the·name·of his·mama
Battering the·daughter·of Father-of-Shalom :
and·he·does Physician the·straight in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ
as·Intimate his·father :
and·he·makes·cross·by the·sanctuary·boy⁺ from the·land
and·he·removes °all·of the·rolling·idols⁺
that they·did⁺ his·fathers⁺ :
and·also °Battering his·mama and·he·removes·her from·heroine
that she·did dreadful·thing to·the·Blessed·One
and·he·cuts·down Physician °her·dreadful·thing
and·he·burns in·the·river·of Gloominess :
and·the·daises⁺ they·did·not·move·away⁺
only the·heart·of Physician he·was shalomic near Yʜᴡʜ all·of his·days⁺ :
and·he·brings·in °the·sanctuaries⁺·of his·father
and·the·sanctuaries⁺·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
silver and·gold and·things⁺ :
and·battle she·was between Physician and·between Fetid the·king·of Princepowr all·of their·days⁺ :
and·he·goes·up Fetid the·king·of Princepowr upon Gloryhand
and·he·builds °the·High·Place
to·not giving going and·entering
to·Physician the·king·of Gloryhand :
and·he·takes Physician °all·of the·silver and·the·gold the·remnants⁺ in·the·treasures⁺·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ and·°the·treasures⁺·of the·house·of the·king
and·he·gives·them in·the·hand·of his·servants⁺
and·he·sends·them the·king Physician to Son·of Hadad the·son·of Good-of-Thundrer the·son·of Vision·of the·king·of Height
that·settles in·Damascus saying :
covenant between·me and·between·you
between my·father and·between your·father
¡lo! I·sent to·you bribe silver and·gold
ꜝwalk ꜝscuttle! °your·covenant with Fetid the·king·of Princepowr
and·he·goes·up from·upon·me :
and·he·hears Son·of Hadad to the·king Physician and·he·sends °the·princes⁺·of the·strengths⁺ that to·him upon the·cities⁺·of Princepowr
and·he·strikes °Guilty and·°Vindicator
and·°Meadow House·of Battering
and·°all·of Lyres⁺
upon all·of the·land·of Knot :
and·he·is as·hearing Fetid
and·he·ceases from·building °the·High·Place
and·he·settles in·Favored :
and·the·king Physician he·let·hear °all·of Gloryhand there·is·ńot innocent
and·they·bear⁺ °the·stones⁺·of the·High·Place and·°her·trees⁺
that he·built Fetid
and·he·builds in·them the·king Physician
°Hill Son-of-Right and·°the·Sentry·Post :
and·the·remainder·of all·of the·speeches⁺·of Physician and·all·of his·heroism and·all that he·did and·the·cities⁺ that he·built
¿not they⁺ written⁺ upon the·account·of Speeches⁺·of the·days⁺ to·the·kings⁺·of Gloryhand
only to·the·season·of his·old·age
he·was·pierced °his·feet² :
and·he·beds Physician near his·fathers⁺
and·he·is·entombed near his·fathers⁺
in·the·city·of Intimate his·father
and·he·is·king Yʜᴡ-Judge his·son unders⁺·him :
and·Noble the·son·of People-Argues he·was·king upon Princepowr
in·year·of two²
to·Physician the·king·of Gloryhand
and·he·is·king upon Princepowr years² :
and·he·does the·bad in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·walks in·the·step·of his·father
that he·caused·to·sin °Princepowr :
and·he·leagues upon·him Fetid the·son·of Brother-of-Yʜᴡ to·the·house·of He-Is-Hire
and·he·strikes·him Fetid
in·Hilliness that to·the·Palestinians⁺
and·Noble and·all·of Princepowr
rockers⁺ upon Hilliness :
and·he·puts·him·to·death Fetid
in·year·of three
to·Physician the·king·of Gloryhand
and·he·is·king unders⁺·him :
and·he·is as·he·is·king he·struck °all·of the·house·of People-Argues
he·did·not·let·survive all·of gasp to·People-Argues unto he·destroyed·him
as·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ
that he·spoke
in·the·hand·of his·servant Brother-of-Yʜᴡ the·Relaxationïte :
upon the·sins⁺·of People-Argues that he·sinned
and·that he·caused·to·sin °Princepowr
in·his·trouble that he·troubled
°Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr :
and·the·remainder·of the·speeches⁺·of Noble and·all that he·did
¿not they⁺ written⁺ upon the·account·of Speeches⁺·of the·days⁺ to·the·kings⁺·of Princepowr :
and·battle she·was between Physician and·between Fetid the·king·of Princepowr all·of their·days⁺ :
in·year·of three
to·Physician the·king·of Gloryhand
he·was·king Fetid the·son·of Brother-of-Yʜᴡ upon all·of Princepowr in·Favored
twenty⁺ and·four year :
and·he·does the·bad in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·walks in·the·step·of People-Argues
that he·caused·to·sin °Princepowr :
and·he·is the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ to Yʜ-He the·son·of My-Grace
upon Fetid saying :
because that I·heightened·you from the·dust
and·I·give·you foremost
upon my·people Princepowr
and·you·walk in·the·step·of People-Argues and·you·cause·to·sin °my·people Princepowr
to·trouble·me in·their·sins⁺ :
¡lo!·me consuming·by·fire after⁺ Fetid and·after⁺ his·house
and·I·gave °your·house
as·the·house·of People-Argues the·son·of Looked :
the·dead to·Fetid in·the·city
they·eat⁺ the·dogs⁺
and·the·dead to·him in·the·field
they·eat⁺ the·flyer·of the·skies⁺ :
and·the·remainder·of the·speeches⁺·of Fetid and·that he·did and·his·heroism
¿not they⁺ written⁺ upon the·account·of Speeches⁺·of the·days⁺ to·the·kings⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·beds Fetid near his·fathers⁺
and·he·is·entombed in·Favored
and·he·is·king Powrtree his·son unders⁺·him :
and·also in·the·hand·of Yʜ-He the·son·of My-Grace the·prophet the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ he·was to Fetid and·to his·house and·upon all·of the·badness that he·did in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ to·trouble·him in·the·doing·of his·hands²
to·be as·the·house·of People-Argues
and·upon that he·struck °him :
in·year·of twenty⁺ and·six year
to·Physician the·king·of Gloryhand
he·was·king Powrtree the·son·of Fetid upon Princepowr in·Favored years² :
and·he·leagues upon·him his·servant Musical
the·prince·of the·half·of the·chariot
and·he in·Favored drinker drunk
the·house·of Landing
that upon the·house in·Favored :
and·he·enters Musical and·he·strikes·him and·he·puts·him·to·death
in·year·of twenty⁺ and·seven
to·Physician the·king·of Gloryhand
and·he·is·king unders⁺·him :
and·he·is when·he·is·king as·he·settles upon his·throne he·struck °all·of the·house·of Fetid
he·did·not·let·survive to·him pissing in·wall
and·his·goels⁺ and·his·tendents⁺ :
and·he·destroys Musical
°all·of the·house·of Fetid
as·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ that he·spoke to Fetid
in·the·hand·of Yʜ-He the·prophet :
to all·of the·sins⁺·of Fetid
and·the·sins⁺·of Powrtree his·son
that they·sinned⁺ and·that they·caused·to·sin⁺ °Princepowr
to·trouble °Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr in·their·vapors⁺ :
and·the·remainder·of the·speeches⁺·of Powrtree and·all that he·did
¿not they⁺ written⁺ upon the·account·of Speeches⁺·of the·days⁺ to·the·kings⁺·of Princepowr :
in·year·of twenty⁺ and·seven year to·Physician the·king·of Gloryhand
he·was·king Musical seven·of days⁺ in·Favored
and·the·people camping⁺
upon Hilliness that to·the·Palestinians⁺ :
and·he·hears the·people that·camp⁺ saying
he·leagued Musical
and·also he·struck °the·king
and·they·king⁺ all·of Princepowr °My-Sheaf prince·of host upon Princepowr in·the·day he in·the·camp :
and·he·goes·up My-Sheaf and·all·of Princepowr near·him from·Hilliness
and·they·rock·up⁺ upon Favored :
and·he·is as·seeing Musical as she·was·seized the·city
and·he·enters to the·highest·of the·house·of the·king
and·he·burns upon·him °house·of king in·the·fire and·he·dies :
upon his·sins⁺ that he·sinned
to·do the·bad in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ
to·walk in·the·step·of People-Argues
and·in·his·sin that he·did
to·cause·to·sin °Princepowr :
and·the·remainder·of the·speeches⁺·of Musical
and·his·league that he·leagued
¿not they⁺ written⁺ upon the·account·of Speeches⁺·of the·days⁺ to·the·kings⁺·of Princepowr :
then he·is·divided the·people Princepowr to·the·half
the·half·of the·people he·was after⁺ Strawy the·son·of Gynat to·king·him
and·the·half after⁺ My-Sheaf :
and·he·is·firm the·people that after⁺ My-Sheaf
°the·people that after⁺ Strawy the·son·of Gynat
and·he·dies Strawy
and·he·is·king My-Sheaf :
in·year·of thirty⁺ and·one·of year to·Physician the·king·of Gloryhand
he·was·king My-Sheaf upon Princepowr
two² and·ten year
in·Favored he·was·king six·of years⁺ :
and·he·stocks·up °the·mount Watchstation from·with Watch in·rounds² silver
and·he·builds °the·mount
and·he·calls °the·name·of the·city that he·built
upon the·name·of Watch
the·lords⁺·of the·mount Watchstation :
and·he·does My-Sheaf the·bad in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·does·bad from·all that to·his·face⁺ :
and·he·walks in·all·of the·step·of People-Argues the·son·of Looked
that he·caused·to·sin °Princepowr
to·trouble °Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr in·their·vapors⁺ :
and·the·remainder·of the·speeches⁺·of My-Sheaf that he·did
and·his·heroism that he·did
¿not they⁺ written⁺ upon the·account·of Speeches⁺·of the·days⁺ to·the·kings⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·beds My-Sheaf near his·fathers⁺
and·he·is·entombed in·Watchstation
and·he·is·king Brother-Father his·son unders⁺·him :
and·Brother-Father the·son·of My-Sheaf he·was·king upon Princepowr
in·year·of thirty⁺ and·eight year
to·Physician the·king·of Gloryhand
and·he·is·king Brother-Father the·son·of My-Sheaf upon Princepowr in·Watchstation
twenty⁺ and·two² year :
and·he·does Brother-Father the·son·of My-Sheaf the·bad in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ
from·all that to·his·face⁺ :
and·he·is ¿he·was·slight his·walking
in·the·sins⁺·of People-Argues the·son·of Looked
and·he·takes woman °¿Where-Reside the·daughter·of With-Master the·king·of Hunterïtes⁺
and·he·walks and·he·serves °the·Master
and·he·prostrates·himself to·him :
and·he·raises offering·place to·the·Master
the·house·of the·Master
that he·built in·Watchstation :
and·he·does Brother-Father °the·Blessed·One
and·he·adds Brother-Father to·do to·trouble °Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
from·all·of the·kings⁺·of Princepowr
that they·were⁺ to·his·face⁺ :
in·his·days⁺ he·built Life-of-Powr the·house·of the·Powrïte °Breath
in·Father-of-Height his·firstborn he·set·the·foundation·of·her and·in·Tower his·least he·posted her·pulldoors²
as·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ
that he·spoke
in·the·hand·of Yʜᴡ-Saved the·son·of Issuer :
and·he·says Powr-Yʜ the·Settlerïte from·the·settlers⁺·of Roll-of-Witness to Brother-Father
living Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr that I·stood to·his·face⁺
if he·is the·years⁺ these dew and·rain
but rather to·the·mouth·of my·speech :
and·he·is the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ to·him saying :
ꜝwalk from·this
and·you·faced to·you ➝frontward
and·you·were·hidden in·the·river·of Cutter
that upon the·face⁺·of the·Descender :
and·he·was from·the·river you·drink
and·°the·eveningbirds⁺ I·commanded
to·sustain·you there :
and·he·walks and·he·does as·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·walks and·he·settles in·the·river·of Cutter
that upon the·face⁺·of the·Descender :
and·the·eveningbirds⁺ bringing·in⁺ to·him bread and·flesh in·the·dayplow
and·bread and·flesh in·the·evening
and·from the·river he·drinks :
and·he·is from·end·of days⁺ and·he·dries·up the·river
as he·was·not shower in·the·land :
and·he·is the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ to·him saying :
ꜝarise ꜝwalk ➝Smeltery that to·Hunter
and·you·settled there
¡lo! I·commanded there woman widow to·sustain·you :
and·he·arises and·he·walks ➝Smeltery and·he·enters to the·opening·of the·city
and·¡lo! there woman widow stubbling·together·of treesticks⁺
and·he·calls to·her and·he·says
ꜝtake ¡please! to·me little·of waters⁺ in·the·thing and·I·drink :
and·she·walks to·take
and·he·calls to·her and·he·says
ꜝtake ¡please! to·me morsel·of bread in·your·hand :
and·she·says living Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ if there·is to·me loaf
but rather fullness·of spoon·of meal in·the·jar
and·little·of oil in·the·jug
and·¡lo!·me stubbling·together two² treesticks⁺ and·I·entered and·I·did·him to·me and·to·my·son
and·we·ate⁺·him and·we·died⁺ :
and·he·says to·her Powr-Yʜ ꜝdo·not·fear
ꜝenter ꜝdo as·your·speech
surely ꜝdo to·me from·there loaf small in·the·headmost and·you·let·go to·me
and·to·you and·to·your·son
you·do in·the·afterward :
as thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr the·jar·of the·meal she·is·not·all·through
and·the·jug·of the·oil she·is·not·lacking
unto day giving Yʜᴡʜ shower upon the·face⁺·of the·adamah :
and·she·walks and·she·does as·the·speech·of Powr-Yʜ
and·she·eats she and·he and·her·house days⁺ :
the·jar·of the·meal she·was·not·all·through
and·the·jug·of the·oil he·was·not·lacking
as·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ
that he·spoke in·the·hand·of Powr-Yʜ :
and·he·is after the·speeches⁺ these
he·was·pierced the·son·of the·woman the·mistress·of the·house
and·he·is his·piercing firm very
unto that she·did·not·remain in·him gasp :
and·she·says to Powr-Yʜ
¿what to·me and·to·you the·man·of the·Powers⁺
you·entered to·me to·commemorate °my·guilt and·to·put·to·death °my·son :
and·he·says to·her ꜝgive to·me °your·son
and·he·takes·him from·her·bosom and·he·offers·him·up to the·upper·room that he settling there
and·he·puts·him·to·bed upon his·branchbed :
and·he·calls to Yʜᴡʜ and·he·says
Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺
¿also upon the·widow that I lodging·myself near·her you·did·bad to·put·to·death °her·son :
and·he·measures·himself·out upon the·child three times⁺
and·he·calls to Yʜᴡʜ and·he·says
Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺
ꜝlet·her·return ¡please! the·soul·of the·child this upon his·impresence :
and·he·hears Yʜᴡʜ in·the·voice·of Powr-Yʜ
and·she·returns the·soul·of the·child upon his·impresence and·he·lives :
and·he·takes Powr-Yʜ °the·child and·he·makes·him·descend from the·upper·room ➝the·house
and·he·gives·him to·his·mama
and·he·says Powr-Yʜ
ꜝsee living your·son :
and·she·says the·woman to Powr-Yʜ
now this I·knew
as the·man·of Powers⁺ you
and·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ in·your·mouth truth :
and·he·is days⁺ many⁺
and·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ he·was to Powr-Yʜ
in·the·year the·third saying
ꜝwalk ꜝbe·seen to Brother-Father
and·ꜝlet·me·give rain upon the·face⁺·of the·adamah :
and·he·walks Powr-Yʜ
to·be·seen to Brother-Father
and·the·hunger firm in·Watchstation :
and·he·calls Brother-Father
to Servant-of-Yʜᴡ that upon the·house
and·Servant-of-Yʜᴡ he·was fearful °Yʜᴡʜ very :
and·he·is when·cutting·down ¿Where-Reside
°the·prophets⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·takes Servant-of-Yʜᴡ hundred prophets⁺ and·he·conceals·them fifty⁺ man in·the·barrens
and·he·sustained·them bread and·waters⁺ :
and·he·says Brother-Father to Servant-of-Yʜᴡ
ꜝwalk in·the·land to all·of the·eyewells⁺·of the·waters⁺
and·to all·of the·rivers⁺
¿maybe we·find⁺ sprouts and·we·keep·alive⁺ horse and·ass
and we·do·not·cut·down⁺ from·the·beast :
and·they·divide⁺ to·them °the·land to·cross·over in·her
Brother-Father he·walked in·step one alone·him
and·Servant-of-Yʜᴡ he·walked in·step one alone·him :
and·he·is Servant-of-Yʜᴡ in·the·step
and·¡lo! Powr-Yʜ to·call·on·him
and·he·recognizes·him and·he·falls upon his·face⁺
and·he·says ¿you this my·lord Powr-Yʜ :
and·he·says to·him I
ꜝwalk ꜝsay to·your·lords⁺ ¡lo! Powr-Yʜ :
and·he·says ¿what I·sinned
as you giving °your·servant in·the·hand·of Brother-Father to·put·me·to·death :
living Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ if there·is clan and·kingdom that he·did·not·send my·lord there to·seek·you
and·they·said⁺ there·is·ńot
and·he·told·seven °the·kingdom and·°the·clan
as he·does·not·find·you :
and·now you saying
ꜝwalk ꜝsay to·your·lords⁺ ¡lo! Powr-Yʜ :
and·he·was I I·walk from·with·you and·the·breath·of Yʜᴡʜ he·bears·you upon that I·do·not·know
and·I·entered to·tell·forth to·Brother-Father and he·does·not·find·you and·he·killed·me
and·your·servant fearful °Yʜᴡʜ from·my·youth⁺ :
¿not he·was·told·forth to·my·lord °that I·did
when·killing ¿Where-Reside
°the·prophets⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·I·conceal from·the·prophets⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ hundred man fifty⁺ fifty⁺ man in·the·barrens
and·I·sustain·them bread and·waters⁺ :
and·now you saying
ꜝwalk ꜝsay to·your·lords⁺ ¡lo! Powr-Yʜ
and·he·killed·me :
and·he·says Powr-Yʜ
living Yʜᴡʜ of·hosts⁺
that I·stood to·his·face⁺
as the·day I·am·seen to·him :
and·he·walks Servant-of-Yʜᴡ to·call·on Brother-Father and·he·tells·forth to·him
and·he·walks Brother-Father to·call·on Powr-Yʜ :
and·he·is as·seeing Brother-Father °Powr-Yʜ
and·he·says Brother-Father to·him
¿you this roiling Princepowr :
and·he·says I·did·not·roil °Princepowr
but rather you and·the·house·of your·father
when·you·abandon⁺ °the·commandments⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·you·walk after⁺ the·Masters⁺ :
and·now ꜝsend ꜝcollect to·me °all·of Princepowr to the·mount·of the·Orchardgrain
and·°the·prophets⁺·of the·Master four·of hundred⁺ and·fifty⁺ and·the·prophets⁺·of the·Blessed·One four·of hundred⁺
the·eating⁺·of the·table·of ¿Where-Reside :
and·he·sends Brother-Father in·all·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·he·collects °the·prophets⁺ to the·mount·of the·Orchardgrain :
and·he·approaches Powr-Yʜ to all·of the·people and·he·says unto ¿wħen you⁺ hopping·around⁺ upon the·two²·of the·forks⁺
if Yʜᴡʜ the·Powers⁺ ꜝwalk⁺ after⁺·him
and·if the·Master ꜝwalk⁺ after⁺·him
and they·did·not·respond⁺ the·people °him speech :
and·he·says Powr-Yʜ to the·people
I I·remained prophet to·Yʜᴡʜ alone·me
and·the·prophets⁺·of the·Master
four hundred⁺ and·fifty⁺ man :
and·they·give⁺ to·us two² cows⁺ and·they·choose⁺ to·them the·cow one and·they·chunk·him·up⁺ and·they·place⁺ upon the·trees⁺
and·fire they·do·not·place⁺
and·I I·do °the·cow one and·I·gave upon the·trees⁺
and·fire I·do·not·place :
and·you·called⁺ in·the·name·of your⁺·Powers⁺ and·I I·call in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·was the·Powers⁺ that he·responds in·the·fire he the·Powers⁺
and·he·responds all·of the·people and·they·say⁺ good the·speech :
and·he·says Powr-Yʜ to·the·prophets⁺·of the·Master ꜝchoose⁺ to·you⁺ the·cow one and·ꜝdo⁺ headmost
as you⁺ the·many⁺
and·ꜝcall⁺ in·the·name·of your⁺·Powers⁺
and·fire you·do·not·place⁺ :
and·they·take⁺ °the·cow that he·gave to·them and·they·do⁺
and·they·call⁺ in·the·name·of the·Master from·the·dayplow and·unto the·noonpeak² saying the·Master ꜝrespond·us
and·there·is·ńot voice and·there·is·ńot responding
upon the·offering·place that he·did :
and·he·is in·the·noonpeak² and·he·taunts in·them Powr-Yʜ and·he·says ꜝcall⁺ in·voice great as Powers⁺ he
as meditation and·as skimming to·him and·as step to·him
¿maybe asleep he and·he·wakes :
and·they·call⁺ in·voice great
and·they·clout·themselves⁺ as·their·judgment
in·the·swords⁺ and·in·the·spears⁺
unto spilling·out blood upon·them :
and·he·is as·crossing·over the·noonpeak²
unto to·offer·up the·tribute
and·there·is·ńot voice and·there·is·ńot responding and·there·is·ńot listening :
and·he·says Powr-Yʜ to·all·of the·people ꜝapproach⁺ to·me
and·they·approach⁺ all·of the·people to·him
and·he·heals °the·offering·place·of Yʜᴡʜ that·is·demolished :
and·he·takes Powr-Yʜ two² and·ten·of stones⁺
as·the·count·of the·stems⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Heeler
that he·was the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ to·him saying
Princepowr he·is your·name :
and·he·builds °the·stones⁺ offering·place in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·does irrigationchannel as·house·of quotas² seed
turninground to·the·offering·place :
and·he·lines·up °the·trees⁺
and·he·chunks·up °the·cow
and·he·places upon the·trees⁺ :
and·he·says ꜝfill⁺ four jars⁺ waters⁺
and·ꜝpour⁺ upon the·upward·offering and·upon the·trees⁺
and·he·says ꜝredouble⁺ and·they·redouble⁺
and·he·says ꜝmake·three⁺ and·they·make·three⁺ :
and·they·walk⁺ the·waters⁺
turninground to·the·offering·place
and·also °the·irrigationchannel he·filled waters⁺ :
and·he·is when·offering·up the·tribute and·he·approaches Powr-Yʜ the·prophet and·he·says
Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Father-Hi-Hum Laugher and·Princepowr
the·day he·is·known as you Powers⁺ in·Princepowr and·I your·servant
and·in·your·speech I·did
°all·of the·speeches⁺ these :
ꜝrespond·me Yʜᴡʜ ꜝrespond·me
and·they·know⁺ the·people this
as you Yʜᴡʜ the·Powers⁺
and·you you·turned °their·heart aftward :
and·she·falls the·fire·of Yʜᴡʜ and·she·eats °the·upward·offering and·°the·trees⁺
and·°the·stones⁺ and·°the·dust
and·°the·waters⁺ that in·the·irrigationchannel she·licked·up :
and·he·sees all·of the·people
and·they·fall⁺ upon their·face⁺
Yʜᴡʜ he the·Powers⁺
Yʜᴡʜ he the·Powers⁺ :
and·he·says Powr-Yʜ to·them ꜝclench⁺ °the·prophets⁺·of the·Master man ꜝlet·him·not·be·delivered from·them and·they·clench⁺·them
and·he·makes·them·descend Powr-Yʜ to the·river·of Snary
and·he·slaughters·them there :
and·he·says Powr-Yʜ to·Brother-Father
ꜝgo·up ꜝeat and·ꜝdrink
as the·voice·of the·hum·of the·shower :
and·he·goes·up Brother-Father to·eat and·to·drink
and·Powr-Yʜ he·went·up to the·head·of the·Orchardgrain and·he·crouches ➝land
and·he·places his·face⁺ between his·knees² :
and·he·says to his·youth ꜝgo·up ¡please! ꜝlook step·of sea
and·he·goes·up and·he·looks
and·he·says there·is·ńot smidge
and·he·says ꜝreturn seven times⁺ :
and·he·is in·the·seventh
and·he·says ¡lo! fog small as·spoon·of man going·up from·sea
and·he·says ꜝgo·up ꜝsay to Brother-Father ꜝchain and·ꜝdescend
and he·does·not·restrain·you the·shower :
and·he·is unto thus and·unto thus and·the·skies⁺ they·became·gloomy⁺ fogs⁺ and·breath
and·he·is shower great
and·he·chariots Brother-Father and·he·walks ➝Powr-Seeds :
and·the·hand·of Yʜᴡʜ she·was to Powr-Yʜ
and·he·cinches his·thighs²
and·he·runs to·the·face⁺·of Brother-Father
unto your·entering ➝Powr-Seeds :
and·he·tells·forth Brother-Father to·¿Where-Reside
°all that he·did Powr-Yʜ
and·°all that he·killed °all·of the·prophets⁺ in·the·sword :
and·she·sends ¿Where-Reside minister
to Powr-Yʜ saying
thus they·do⁺ Powers⁺ and·thus they·add⁺
as as·the·season aftermorrow I·place °your·soul
as·soul·of one from·them :
and·he·sees and·he·arises and·he·walks to his·soul
and·he·enters Well·of Seven that to·Gloryhand
and·he·sets·in·peace °his·youth there :
and·he he·walked in·the·outspeak step·of day
and·he·enters and·he·settles under linktree one
and·he·requests °his·soul to·die
and·he·says much now Yʜᴡʜ ꜝtake my·soul
as not good I from·my·fathers⁺ :
and·he·beds and·he·sleeps
under linktree one
and·¡lo! this minister touching in·him
and·he·says to·him ꜝarise ꜝeat :
and·he·looks and·¡lo! his·headrests⁺ loaf·of mosaics⁺ and·jug·of waters⁺
and·he·eats and·he·drinks
and·he·returns and·he·beds :
and·he·returns the·minister·of Yʜᴡʜ second and·he·touches in·him
and·he·says ꜝarise ꜝeat
as much from·you the·step :
and·he·arises and·he·eats and·he·drinks
and·he·walks in·the·vigor·of the·eating she forty⁺ day and·forty⁺ night
unto the·mount·of the·Powers⁺ Withered :
and·he·enters there to the·barrens and·he·reposes there
and·¡lo! the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ to·him
and·he·says to·him
¿what to·you ẖere Powr-Yʜ :
and·he·says jealous I·was·jealous to·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of hosts⁺ as they·abandoned⁺ your·covenant the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
°your·offering·places⁺ they·demolished⁺
and·°your·prophets⁺ they·killed⁺ in·the·sword
and·I·remain I alone·me
and·they·seek⁺ °my·soul to·take·her :
and·he·says ꜝgo and·you·stood in·the·mount to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·¡lo! Yʜᴡʜ crosser and·breath great and·firm ripping mounts⁺ and·breaking clifftops⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
not in·the·breath Yʜᴡʜ
and·after the·breath quaking
not in·the·quaking Yʜᴡʜ :
and·after the·quaking fire
not in·the·fire Yʜᴡʜ
and·after the·fire
voice·of silence thin :
and·he·is as·hearing Powr-Yʜ and·he·obscures his·face⁺ in·his·regalia
and·he·goes and·he·stands the·opening·of the·barrens
and·¡lo! to·him voice
and·he·says ¿what to·you ẖere Powr-Yʜ :
and·he·says jealous I·was·jealous to·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of hosts⁺ as they·abandoned⁺ your·covenant the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
°your·offering·places⁺ they·demolished⁺
and·°your·prophets⁺ they·killed⁺ in·the·sword
and·I·remain I alone·me
and·they·seek⁺ °my·soul to·take·her :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to·him
ꜝwalk ꜝreturn to·your·step ➝the·outspeak·of Damascus
and·you·entered and·you·anointed °Vision-of-Powr to·king upon Height :
and·°Yʜ-He the·son·of Drawn
you·anoint to·king upon Princepowr
and·°Powr-Saved the·son·of Judge from·Meadow·of Whirldance
you·anoint to·prophet unders⁺·you :
and·he·was that·is·delivered from·the·sword·of Vision-of-Powr he·puts·to·death Yʜ-He
and·that·is·delivered from·the·sword·of Yʜ-He he·puts·to·death Powr-Saved :
and·I·let·survive in·Princepowr seven·of thousands⁺
all·of the·knees² that they·did·not·stoop⁺ to·the·Master
and·all·of the·mouth
that he·did·not·kiss to·him :
and·he·walks from·there and·he·finds °Powr-Saved the·son·of Judge and·he crafting
two² and·ten couples⁺ to·his·face⁺
and·he in·two² the·and·ten
and·he·crosses·over Powr-Yʜ to·him
and·he·drops his·regalia to·him :
and·he·abandons °the·plowcattle and·he·runs after⁺ Powr-Yʜ
and·he·says ꜝlet·me·kiss ¡please! to·my·father and·to·my·mama
and·ꜝlet·me·walk after⁺·you
and·he·says to·him ꜝwalk ꜝreturn
as ¿what I·did to·you :
and·he·returns from·after⁺·him and·he·takes °the·couple·of the·plowcattle and·he·offers·him and·in·the·thing·of the·plowcattle he·cooked·them the·flesh
and·he·gives to·the·people and·they·eat⁺
and·he·arises and·he·walks after⁺ Powr-Yʜ and·he·assists·him :
and·Son·of Hadad the·king·of Height he·collected °all·of his·strength
and·thirty⁺ and·two² king with·him and·horse and·chariot
and·he·goes·up and·he·rocks·up upon Watchstation
and·he·battles in·her :
and·he·sends ministers⁺ to Brother-Father the·king·of Princepowr ➝the·city :
and·he·says to·him thus he·said Son·of Hadad
your·silver and·your·gold to·me he
and·your·women⁺ and·your·sons⁺ the·good⁺ to·me they⁺ :
and·he·responds the·king·of Princepowr and·he·says
as·your·speech my·lord the·king
to·you I and·all that to·me :
and·they·return⁺ the·ministers⁺
thus he·said Son·of Hadad saying
as I·sent to·you saying
your·silver and·your·gold and·your·women⁺ and·your·sons⁺ to·me you·give :
as rather as·the·season aftermorrow I·send °my·servants⁺ to·you
and·they·searched⁺ °your·house
and·°the·houses⁺·of your·servants⁺
and·he·was all·of the·desire·of your·eyes²
they·place⁺ in·their·hand and·they·took⁺ :
and·he·calls the·king·of Princepowr to·all·of the·elders⁺·of the·land
and·he·says ꜝknow⁺ ¡please! and·ꜝsee⁺
as badness this seeker
as he·sent to·me to·my·women⁺ and·to·my·sons⁺ and·to·my·silver and·to·my·gold
and I·did·not·deprive from·him :
and·they·say⁺ to·him all·of the·elders⁺ and·all·of the·people
ꜝdo·not·hear and you·do·not·want :
and·he·says to·the·ministers⁺·of Son·of Hadad ꜝsay⁺ to·my·lord the·king all that you·sent to your·servant in·the·headmost I·do
and·the·speech this
I·am·not·able to·do
and·they·walk⁺ the·ministers⁺
and·they·return⁺·him speech :
and·he·sends to·him Son·of Hadad
and·he·says thus they·do⁺ to·me Powers⁺ and·thus they·add⁺
if he·pounds the·dust·of Watchstation
to·clutchfuls⁺ to·all·of the·people that in·my·feet² :
and·he·responds the·king·of Princepowr and·he·says ꜝspeak⁺
ꜝlet·him·not·praise·himself girding as·opening :
and·he·is as·hearing °the·speech this
and·he drinker he and·the·kings⁺ in·the·knit·shelters⁺
and·he·says to his·servants⁺ ꜝplace⁺
and·they·place⁺ upon the·city :
and·¡lo! prophet one he·approached to Brother-Father the·king·of Princepowr
and·he·says thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ
°all·of the·hum the·great this
¡lo!·me that·gives·him in·your·hand the·day
and·you·knew as I Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·says Brother-Father in·¿who
and·he·says thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ
in·the·youths⁺·of the·princes⁺·of the·vindicatordoms⁺
and·he·says ¿who he·chains the·battle and·he·says you :
and·he·reckons °the·youths⁺·of the·princes⁺·of the·vindicatordoms⁺
and·they·are⁺ hundred² two² and·thirty⁺
and·after⁺·them he·reckoned °all·of the·people all·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr seven·of thousands⁺ :
and·they·go⁺ in·the·noonpeak²
and·Son·of Hadad drinker drunk in·the·knit·shelters⁺ he and·the·kings⁺ thirty⁺ and·two² king helper °him :
and·they·go⁺ the·youths⁺·of the·princes⁺·of the·vindicatordoms⁺ in·the·headmost
and·he·sends Son·of Hadad and·they·tell·forth⁺ to·him saying
mortals⁺ they·went⁺ from·Watchstation :
and·he·says if to·shalom they·went⁺ ꜝclench⁺·them living⁺
and·if to·battle they·went⁺ living⁺ ꜝclench⁺·them :
and·these they·went⁺ from the·city
the·youths⁺·of the·princes⁺·of the·vindicatordoms⁺
and·the·strength that after⁺·them :
and·they·strike⁺ man his·man
and·they·flee⁺ Height
and·he·pursues·them Princepowr
and·he·is·delivered Son·of Hadad the·king·of Height
upon horse and·shockcavalry⁺ :
and·he·goes the·king·of Princepowr
and·he·strikes °the·horse and·°the·chariot
and·he·struck in·Height stroke great :
and·he·approaches the·prophet to the·king·of Princepowr
and·he·says to·him ꜝwalk ꜝmake·yourself·firm
and·ꜝknow and·ꜝsee °that you·do
as to·the·turn·of the·year
the·king·of Height going·up upon·you :
and·the·servants⁺·of the·king·of Height they·said⁺ to·him Powers⁺·of mounts⁺ their·Powers⁺
upon surely they·were·firm⁺ from·us
and·yet we·battle⁺ with·them in·the·straight·place
if we·are·not·firm⁺ from·them :
and·°the·speech this ꜝdo
ꜝremove the·kings⁺ man from·his·rising·place
and·ꜝplace prefects⁺ unders⁺·them :
and·you you·allot to·you strength as·the·strength that·falls from·with·you and·horse as·the·horse and·chariot as·the·chariot and·ꜝlet·us·battle⁺ °them in·the·straight·place
if we·are·not·firm⁺ from·them
and·he·hears to·their·voice and·he·does surely :
and·he·is to·the·turn·of the·year
and·he·reckons Son·of Hadad °Height
and·he·goes·up ➝Channel
to·the·battle near Princepowr :
and·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr they·were·reckoned⁺ and·they·were·sustained⁺
and·they·walk⁺ to·call·against·them
and·they·camp⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr before·them as·two²·of naked⁺·of mightygoats⁺
and·Height they·filled⁺ °the·land :
and·he·approaches the·man·of the·Powers⁺ and·he·says to the·king·of Princepowr
and·he·says thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ because that they·said⁺ Height Powers⁺·of mounts⁺ Yʜᴡʜ
and·not Powers⁺·of deeplands⁺ he
and·I·gave °all·of the·hum the·great this in·your·hand
and·you·knew⁺ as I Yʜᴡʜ :
and·they·camp⁺ these in·view·of these seven·of days⁺
and·he·is in·the·day the·seventh and·she·is·present the·battle
and·they·strike⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr °Height hundred thousand on·foot in·day one :
and·they·flee⁺ the·remnants⁺ ➝Channel to the·city
and·she·falls the·rampart
upon twenty⁺ and·seven thousand man the·remnants⁺
and·Son·of Hadad he·fled
and·he·enters to the·city chamber in·chamber :
and·they·say⁺ to·him his·servants⁺
¡lo! ¡please! we·heard⁺
as the·kings⁺·of the·house·of Princepowr
as kings⁺·of mercy they⁺
ꜝlet·us·place⁺ ¡please! burlaps⁺ in·our·thighs² and·ropes⁺ in·our·head and·we·go⁺ to the·king·of Princepowr
¿maybe he·keeps·alive °your·soul :
and·they·gird⁺ burlaps⁺ in·their·thighs² and·ropes⁺ in·their·heads⁺ and·they·enter⁺ to the·king·of Princepowr
your·servant Son·of Hadad he·said ꜝlet·her·live ¡please! my·soul
and·he·says ¿he·is·still living my·brother he :
and·the·mortals⁺ they·read·copper⁺ and·they·speed⁺ and·they·√catch·on⁺ ¿from·him and·they·say⁺ your·brother Son·of Hadad
and·he·says ꜝenter⁺ ꜝtake⁺·him
and·he·goes to·him Son·of Hadad
and·he·offers·him·up upon the·chariot :
and·he·says to·him the·cities⁺ that he·took my·father from·with your·father I·return and·exteriors⁺ you·place to·you in·Damascus as·how he·placed my·father in·Watchstation
and·I in·the·covenant I·send·you·out
and·he·cuts·in to·him covenant and·he·sends·him·out :
and·man one from·the·sons⁺·of the·prophets⁺ he·said to his·tendent in·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ ꜝstrike·me ¡please!
and·he·refuses the·man to·strike·him :
and·he·says to·him because that you·did·not·hear in·the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ
¡lo!·you walking from·with·me
and·he·struck·you the·lion
and·he·walks from·beside·him
and·he·finds·him the·lion and·he·strikes·him :
and·he·finds man after
and·he·says ꜝstrike·me ¡please!
and·he·strikes·him the·man striking and·wounding :
and·he·walks the·prophet
and·he·stands to·the·king upon the·step
and·he·makes·himself·unsearchable in·the·ash upon his·eyes² :
and·he·is the·king crosser
and·he he·cried to the·king
and·he·says your·servant he·went in·the·impresence·of the·battle and·¡lo! man he·moved and·he·brings·in to·me man and·he·says ꜝwatch °the·man this
if being·reckoned he·is·reckoned
and·she·was your·soul under his·soul
or round·of silver you·shekel :
and·he·is your·servant doing·of here and·here and·he he·is·ńot
and·he·says to·him the·king·of Princepowr surely your·judgment you you·decided :
and·he·speeds and·he·removes °the·ash
from·upon his·eyes²
and·he·recognizes °him the·king·of Princepowr
as from·the·prophets⁺ he :
and·he·says to·him thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ
because you·sent·out °the·man·of my·herem from·hand
and·she·was your·soul under his·soul
and·your·people under his·people :
and·he·walks the·king·of Princepowr upon his·house defiant and·tempestuous
and·he·enters ➝Watchstation :
and·he·is after the·speeches⁺ these
orchard he·was to·Produce the·Powrseedsïte that in·Powr-Seeds
beside the·palace·of Brother-Father
the·king·of Watchstation :
and·he·speaks Brother-Father to Produce saying ꜝgive! to·me °your·orchard and·ꜝlet·him·be to·me to·guarden·of greens as he present beside my·house
and·ꜝlet·me·give to·you unders⁺·him
orchard good from·him
if he·was·good in·your·eyes²
ꜝlet·me·give to·you silver·of price·of this :
and·he·says Produce to Brother-Father
¡pierce·it! to·me from·Yʜᴡʜ
from·my·giving °the·derivation·of my·fathers⁺ to·you :
and·he·enters Brother-Father to his·house defiant and·tempestuous upon the·speech that he·spoke to·him Produce the·Powrseedsïte
and·he·says I·do·not·give to·you °the·derivation·of my·fathers⁺
and·he·beds upon his·branchbed
and·he·turns °his·face⁺ and he·did·not·eat bread :
and·she·enters to·him ¿Where-Reside his·woman
and·she·speaks to·him ¿what this your·breath defiant
and·you·are·ńot eating bread :
and·he·speaks to·her as I·speak to Produce the·Powrseedsïte and·I·say to·him ꜝgive! to·me °your·orchard in·silver
or if pleased you
ꜝlet·me·give to·you orchard unders⁺·him
and·he·says I·do·not·give to·you °my·orchard :
and·she·says to·him ¿Where-Reside his·woman
you now you·do kingship upon Princepowr
ꜝarise ꜝeat bread and·he·is·good your·heart
I I·give to·you
°the·orchard·of Produce the·Powrseedsïte :
and·she·writes accounts⁺ in·the·name·of Brother-Father
and·she·seals in·his·seal
and·she·sends accounts⁺ to the·elders⁺ and·to the·brilliants⁺ that in·his·city
that·settle⁺ with Produce :
and·she·writes in·the·accounts⁺ saying
ꜝcall⁺ fasting
and·ꜝsettle⁺ °Produce in·the·head·of the·people :
and·ꜝsettle⁺ two² mortals⁺ sons⁺·of no-benefit before·him
and·they·witness⁺·him saying
you·knelt Powers⁺ and·king
and·ꜝlet·him·go⁺ and·ꜝlapidate⁺·him and·ꜝlet·him·die :
and·they·do⁺ the·mortals⁺·of his·city the·elders⁺ and·the·brilliants⁺ that that·settle⁺ in·his·city
as·how she·sent to·them ¿Where-Reside
as·how written in·the·accounts⁺
that she·sent to·them :
they·called⁺ fasting
and·they·settled⁺ °Produce in·the·head·of the·people :
and·they·enter⁺ the·two²·of the·mortals⁺ sons⁺·of no-benefit and·they·settle⁺ before·him
and·they·witness⁺·him the·mortals⁺·of the·no-benefit °Produce before the·people saying
he·knelt Produce Powers⁺ and·king
and·they·let·him·go⁺ from·exterior to·the·city
and·they·lapidate⁺·him in·the·stones⁺ and·he·dies :
and·they·send⁺ to ¿Where-Reside saying
he·was·lapidated Produce and·he·dies :
and·he·is as·hearing ¿Where-Reside
as he·was·lapidated Produce and·he·dies
and·she·says ¿Where-Reside to Brother-Father ꜝarise ꜝinherit °the·orchard·of Produce the·Powrseedsïte that he·refused to·give to·you in·silver
as there·is·ńot Produce living as he·died :
and·he·is as·hearing Brother-Father as he·died Produce
and·he·arises Brother-Father to·descend to the·orchard·of Produce the·Powrseedsïte to·inherit·him :
and·he·is the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ
to Powr-Yʜ the·Settlerïte saying :
ꜝarise ꜝdescend to·call·on Brother-Father the·king·of Princepowr that in·Watchstation
¡lo! in·the·orchard·of Produce
that he·descended there to·inherit·him :
and·you·spoke to·him saying thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ
¿you·murdered and·also you·inherited
and·you·spoke to·him saying thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ
in·rising·place·of that they·slurped⁺ the·dogs⁺ °the·blood·of Produce
they·slurp⁺ the·dogs⁺ °your·blood also you :
and·he·says Brother-Father to Powr-Yʜ
¿you·found·me my·enemy
and·he·says I·found
because your·selling·oneself
to·do the·bad in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ :
¡lo!·me bringing·in to·you badness
and·I·consumed·by·fire after⁺·you
and·I·cut·down to·Brother-Father pissing in·wall
and·restrained and·abandoned in·Princepowr :
and·I·gave °your·house as·the·house·of People-Argues the·son·of Looked
and·as·the·house·of Fetid the·son·of Brother-of-Yʜᴡ
to the·trouble that you·troubled
and·you·cause·to·sin °Princepowr :
and·also to·¿Where-Reside
he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ saying
the·dogs⁺ they·eat⁺ °¿Where-Reside in·the·stronghold·of Powr-Seeds :
the·dead to·Brother-Father in·the·city
they·eat⁺ the·dogs⁺
and·the·dead in·the·field
they·eat⁺ the·flyer·of the·skies⁺ :
only he·was·not as·Brother-Father
that he·sold·himself
to·do the·bad in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ
that she·coaxed °him ¿Where-Reside his·woman :
and·he·does·abominable very
to·walk after⁺ the·rolling·idols⁺
as·all that they·did⁺ the·Amurruïte
that he·disinherited Yʜᴡʜ
from·the·face⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·is as·hearing Brother-Father °the·speeches⁺ these and·he·tears his·coverings⁺
and·he·places burlap upon his·flesh and·he·fasts
and·he·beds in·the·burlap
and·he·walks gentleness :
and·he·is the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ
to Powr-Yʜ the·Settlerïte saying :
as he·was·cashed·out Brother-Father from·to·my·face⁺
because as he·was·cashed·out from·my·face⁺ I·do·not·bring·in the·badness in·his·days⁺
in·the·days⁺·of his·son
I·bring·in the·badness upon his·house :
and·they·settle⁺ three years⁺
there·is·ńot battle
between Height and·between Princepowr :
and·he·is in·the·year the·third
and·he·descends Yʜᴡ-Judge the·king·of Gloryhand to the·king·of Princepowr :
and·he·says the·king·of Princepowr to his·servants⁺
¿you·knew⁺ as to·us Heights⁺·of Roll-of-Witness
and·we⁺ hushing⁺
from·taking °her
from·the·hand·of the·king·of Height :
and·he·says to Yʜᴡ-Judge
¿you·walk with·me to·the·battle Heights⁺·of Roll-of-Witness
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Judge to the·king·of Princepowr
as·me as·you as·my·people as·your·people as·my·horses⁺ as·your·horses⁺ :
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Judge to the·king·of Princepowr
ꜝinvestigate ¡please! as·the·day °the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·collects the·king·of Princepowr °the·prophets⁺ as·four·of hundred⁺ man
and·he·says to·them ¿I·walk upon Heights⁺·of Roll-of-Witness to·the·battle if I·cease
and·they·say⁺ ꜝgo·up
and·he·gives My·Lord in·the·hand·of the·king :
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Judge
¿there·is·ńot ẖere prophet to·Yʜᴡʜ again
and·ꜝlet·us·investigate⁺ from·with·him :
and·he·says the·king·of Princepowr to Yʜᴡ-Judge again man one to·investigate °Yʜᴡʜ from·with·him and·I I·hated·him as he·does·not·prophesy upon·me good but rather bad
Who-as-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Full
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Judge
ꜝlet·him·not·say the·king surely :
and·he·calls the·king·of Princepowr
to eunuch one
and·he·says ꜝspeed! Who-as-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Full :
and·the·king·of Princepowr and·Yʜᴡ-Judge the·king·of Gloryhand settling⁺ man upon his·throne robed·in⁺ coverings⁺ in·the·threshingfloor·of
the·opening·of the·gate·of Watchstation
and·all·of the·prophets⁺
prophesying⁺ to·their·face⁺ :
and·he·does to·him Just-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Cashier horns²·of iron
and·he·says thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ
in·these you·butt·at °Height unto their·all·done :
and·all·of the·prophets⁺
prophesying⁺ surely saying
ꜝgo·up Heights⁺·of Roll-of-Witness and·ꜝprosper
and·he·gave Yʜᴡʜ in·the·hand·of the·king :
and·the·minister that he·walked to·call Who-as-Yʜᴡ he·spoke to·him saying
¡lo! ¡please! the·speeches⁺·of the·prophets⁺ mouth one good to the·king
ꜝlet·him·be ¡please! your·speech as·speech·of one from·them and·you·spoke good :
and·he·says Who-as-Yʜᴡ
living Yʜᴡʜ as °that he·says Yʜᴡʜ to·me °him I·speak :
and·he·enters to the·king
and·he·says the·king to·him Who-as-Yʜᴡ ¿we·walk⁺ to Heights⁺·of Roll-of-Witness to·the·battle if we·cease⁺
and·he·says to·him ꜝgo·up and·ꜝprosper
and·he·gave Yʜᴡʜ in·the·hand·of the·king :
and·he·says to·him the·king
unto as·¿what times⁺ I that·tells·you·seven
that you·do·not·speak to·me only truth in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·says I·saw °all·of Princepowr scattered⁺ to the·mounts⁺
as·the·sheep that there·is·ńot to·them tendent
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ not lords⁺ to·these
they·return⁺ man to·his·house in·shalom :
and·he·says the·king·of Princepowr to Yʜᴡ-Judge
¿not I·said to·you
he·does·not·prophesy upon·me good but rather bad :
and·he·says to·surely ꜝhear the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ
I·saw °Yʜᴡʜ settling upon his·throne
and·all·of the·host·of the·skies⁺ standing upon·him
from·his·right and·from·his·left :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ ¿who he·beguiles °Brother-Father
and·ꜝlet·him·go·up and·he·falls in·Heights⁺·of Roll-of-Witness
and·he·says this in·thus
and·this saying in·thus :
and·he·goes the·breath and·he·stands to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·says I I·beguile·him
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to·him in·¿what :
and·he·says I·go and·I·was breath·of falsehood
in·the·mouth·of all·of his·prophets⁺
and·he·says you·beguile and·also you·are·able
ꜝgo and·ꜝdo surely :
and·now ¡lo! he·gave Yʜᴡʜ breath·of falsehood
in·the·mouth·of all·of your·prophets⁺ these
he·spoke upon·you badness :
and·he·approaches Just-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Cashier
and·he·strikes °Who-as-Yʜᴡ upon the·cheek
and·he·says ¿where this he·crossed·over the·breath·of Yʜᴡʜ from·with·me to·speak with·you :
and·he·says Who-as-Yʜᴡ
¡lo!·you seeing in·the·day he
that you·enter chamber in·chamber to·be·concealed :
and·he·says the·king·of Princepowr
ꜝtake °Who-as-Yʜᴡ
and·ꜝreturn·him to Truth the·prince·of the·city
and·to Yᴡ-Fire the·son·of the·king :
and·you·said thus he·said the·king
ꜝplace⁺ °this the·house·of the·detention
and·ꜝgive·to·him·eat⁺ bread squeezing and·waters⁺ squeezing
unto my·entering in·shalom :
and·he·says Who-as-Yʜᴡ
if returning you·return in·shalom
he·did·not·speak Yʜᴡʜ in·me
and·he·says ꜝhear⁺ people⁺ all·of·them :
and·he·goes·up the·king·of Princepowr and·Yʜᴡ-Judge the·king·of Gloryhand Heights⁺·of Roll-of-Witness :
and·he·says the·king·of Princepowr to Yʜᴡ-Judge making·oneself·unsearchable and·entering in·the·battle
and·you ꜝbe·robed·in your·coverings⁺
and·he·makes·himself·unsearchable the·king·of Princepowr
and·he·enters in·the·battle :
and·the·king·of Height he·commanded °the·princes⁺·of the·chariot that to·him thirty⁺ and·two² saying
with small and·with great
but rather with the·king·of Princepowr alone·him :
and·he·is as·seeing the·princes⁺·of the·chariot °Yʜᴡ-Judge and·they⁺ they·said⁺ surely the·king·of Princepowr he
and·they·move⁺ upon·him to·battle
and·he·cries Yʜᴡ-Judge :
and·he·is as·seeing the·princes⁺·of the·chariot
as not the·king·of Princepowr he
and·they·return⁺ from·after⁺·him :
and·man he·drew·out in·the·bow to·his·completeness
and·he·strikes °the·king·of Princepowr
between the·joints⁺ and·between the·mail
and·he·says to·his·charioteer ꜝconvert your·hand and·ꜝlet·me·go from the·camp as I·was·pierced :
and·she·goes·up the·battle in·the·day he
and·the·king he·was caused·to·stand in·the·chariot in·view·of Height
and·he·dies in·the·evening
and·he·pours the·blood·of the·stroke to the·bosom·of the·chariot :
and·he·crosses·over the·shouting in·the·camp
as·entering the·sun saying
man to his·city and·man to his·land :
and·he·dies the·king
and·he·enters Watchstation
and·they·entomb⁺ °the·king in·Watchstation :
and·he·floods °the·chariot upon the·kneepool·of Watchstation and·they·slurp⁺ the·dogs⁺ °his·blood
and·the·fornicators⁺ they·bathed⁺
as·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ that he·spoke :
and·the·remainder·of the·speeches⁺·of Brother-Father and·all that he·did and·the·house·of the·tooth that he·built
and·all·of the·cities⁺ that he·built
¿not they⁺ written⁺ upon the·account·of Speeches⁺·of the·days⁺ to·the·kings⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·beds Brother-Father near his·fathers⁺
and·he·is·king Yʜᴡ-Holds his·son unders⁺·him :
and·Yʜᴡ-Judge the·son·of Physician
he·was·king upon Gloryhand
in·year·of four
to·Brother-Father the·king·of Princepowr :
Yʜᴡ-Judge son·of thirty⁺ and·five year when·he·is·king
and·twenty⁺ and·five year
he·was·king in·Torahshalom
and·the·name·of his·mama
Abandoned the·daughter·of Sent :
and·he·walks in·all·of the·step·of Physician his·father he·did·not·move from·him
to·do the·straight in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ :
surely the·daises⁺ they·did·not·move·away⁺
again the·people offering⁺ and·incensing⁺ in·the·daises⁺ :
and·he·makes·shalom Yʜᴡ-Judge near the·king·of Princepowr :
and·the·remainder·of the·speeches⁺·of Yʜᴡ-Judge and·his·heroism that he·did and·that he·battled
¿not they⁺ written⁺ upon the·account·of the·speeches⁺·of the·days⁺ to·the·kings⁺·of Gloryhand :
and·the·remainder·of the·sanctuary·boy
that he·survived
in·the·days⁺·of Physician his·father
he·consumed·by·fire from the·land :
and·king there·is·ńot in·Blood posted king :
Yʜᴡ-Judge he·did the·ships⁺·of Tarshysh to·walk ➝Ophir to·the·gold and he·did·not·walk
as they·were·broken⁺ ships⁺ in·Shell·of Hero :
then he·said Yʜᴡ-Holds the·son·of Brother-Father to Yʜᴡ-Judge
they·walk⁺ my·servants⁺ near your·servants⁺ in·ships⁺
and he·did·not·want Yʜᴡ-Judge :
and·he·beds Yʜᴡ-Judge near his·fathers⁺
and·he·is·entombed near his·fathers⁺
in·the·city·of Intimate his·father
and·he·is·king Yʜᴡ-High his·son unders⁺·him :
Yʜᴡ-Holds the·son·of Brother-Father he·was·king upon Princepowr in·Watchstation
in·year·of seven and·ten
to·Yʜᴡ-Judge the·king·of Gloryhand
and·he·is·king upon Princepowr years² :
and·he·does the·bad in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·walks in·the·step·of his·father and·in·the·step·of his·mama
and·in·the·step·of People-Argues the·son·of Looked
that he·caused·to·sin °Princepowr :
and·he·serves °the·Master
and·he·prostrates·himself to·him
and·he·troubles °Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
as·all that he·did his·father :